composting poop


Well-Known Member
good day to all i have purchased a couple of calfs and i would like to composte there manure but i dont know haw to start.
do i have to seperate the poop from the straw or will the straw composte?
can i use poly drapped over a pile of composte will that work?
how long do u have to composte before its ready?thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
just put all the shit in a pile somewhere. you dont need to seperate the straw or anything. all you have to do is till the pile every week or two to make sure that the good bacteria in your manuer have enough oxygen and make sure it stays somewhat moist. a quick spray from the hose every couple of days would be good if you live in a really hot and dry area, like arizona. and you'll want to compost it for atleast 2 months


Well-Known Member
just put all the shit in a pile somewhere. you dont need to seperate the straw or anything. all you have to do is till the pile every week or two to make sure that the good bacteria in your manuer have enough oxygen and make sure it stays somewhat moist. a quick spray from the hose every couple of days would be good if you live in a really hot and dry area, like arizona. and you'll want to compost it for atleast 2 months
right on thanks a bunch do i need to cover the pile?


Well-Known Member
most people do use a black tarp or something else, specially if it rains in your area a lot.But NO you do not need to cover your pile. Also use cow "patties" just means make sure there dry before you use them.