Condensation problem in a grow Tent


Active Member
I have a 5x5x7 grow tent and the problem I’m having is, when the lights are off for 12 hours - btw they are in a flowering cycle - the sides of my tent are drenched with condensation, so much that there are little puddles on the floor from it.

Now at 1st I was like ok with it, but it started getting worse, and now I’m scare of mold and it affecting the lights and electronics in the room.

The problem is, that the grow tent with stays a cool 60-65F during the night cycle, but the temp of the room that the tent is in, grows down to about 30-40F. So I understand where this condensation is coming from,
I just don’t know the best way to get rid of it.



Active Member
i know im a new to this but would more airflow fix this problem?
or would you have to heat the other room?

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
I use to get that shit so bad in my tent. Especially with all that electricity runnin through it,
I would unzip my tent, if I touched anything metal in there I would get shocked so bad. Never
did figure it out, but it was weird, when my RH was above 60, I could hear sparks, and shocks
and snaps of the static inside the hut. Very dangerous in my opinion... But never had any real
problems with it, like FIRE.

Dehumidify, raise room temps.


Active Member
I use to get that shit so bad in my tent. Especially with all that electricity runnin through it,
I would unzip my tent, if I touched anything metal in there I would get shocked so bad. Never
did figure it out, but it was weird, when my RH was above 60, I could hear sparks, and shocks
and snaps of the static inside the hut. Very dangerous in my opinion... But never had any real
problems with it, like FIRE.

Dehumidify, raise room temps.

lovely- lol thanks for putting the fear of burning down my house into my bones

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
If the room the tent is in as at 30-40F, then during the off cycle aren't your temps dropping down
to that low as well? Tents aren't insulated, how would it stay warm through out that time?

What does your RH get up to during off cycle? Ever dealt with any PM?


Active Member
it stays at 60-65 because i have a space heater in the tent that doesnt let it get colder then that.
not to sound like a nooob- which i am- but whats "RH" and "PM" :-)


dehumidifire while lights are out C.A.P makes some nice controls that will help problem i think it is AIR-2 or AIR-3 i run AIR -4 witch controls heat,humidity and co2 works great i get about 1lt of water in about 12 hrs of darkness get that humidity in check with those temps they are not going to stay happy


Well-Known Member
1. Dehumidifier
2. Insulate the tent. Condensation occurs when one side of a material is warm and the other side cold. Not unlike a glass of cold water on a hot day.


Active Member
the temp thingy i have in there doesnt show RH- the one i have that does show it, right now is in with the clones.
i never delt with PM- this is only my 3rd grow-


Well-Known Member
get some heavy plastic and ducct tape it or however u can and put it under the ceiling and funnel it into a bucket and recycle it instead of walk through it and get shocked


Active Member
Air exchange is your problem.
You can either replace the air in the tent to keep the moisture from building or you can remove the moisture from the air.


Air Flow and Temp are the key issues that need to be investigated. However a short term fix for removing some, not all the moisture in the air and importantly stop the wet! Place a bowl of cat litter in your tent, it soaks up all moisture it comes into contact with and can be changed at your leisure.


Well-Known Member
I have a similar problem in a small greenhouse. What worked for me is leaving the fans on all night.
Didn't stop it altogether but helped a lot.


Active Member
what kind of room is the tent in?? if it was me I'd put the space heater in the room your tent is in, not in the tent, and see if that helps. you need to get that room temp up to at least a constant 60-65

nice lookin plants by the way.. :)