Confused if I need additional exhaust..HELP!!

Try and make this short: 2x4x7 tent, 400 watt aircooled light, 6" exhaust fan, no carbon filter yet. Have been try a couple of test runs before starting a few plants. Been using passive intake, couple of small fans in tent, light is ducted and vented outside (BUT one side of the light is open so as to pull fresh air in and up through the open end of the light and the fan sucks it out. Now after about runing it for few hours I notice the temp in the tent is only 63. Is this to low, do I need to duct the other side of the light so it only pulls the air from outside and not in the tent? If I do this I have no other way of exhaust the tent except if I put a 4" exhaust in the upper right of the tent. So much for making it short,sorry..............


Well-Known Member
yes, 63 is too low for the lights being on. what is the air temp in the room the tent is in? i assume it must be less than 63? if so, then your easiest option is to not vent the light and to lower the speeds of your exhaust fans.