Congress Bill to limit U.S.A Internet access


Well-Known Member
Congress along with that FAILURE of a President Obama are backing a bill that would give the government the ability to censor what U.S citizens are able to veiw on the internet. I hope I am not the only one that thinks this is such a ridiculous facist act. WTF is happening to the U.S. Horrible! I must say that i never thought i would see the day when our leader along with his bitches would take away so much freedom from us in such a short time.


Well-Known Member
Congress along with that FAILURE of a President Obama are backing a bill that would give the government the ability to censor what U.S citizens are able to veiw on the internet. I hope I am not the only one that thinks this is such a ridiculous facist act. WTF is happening to the U.S. Horrible! I must say that i never thought i would see the day when our leader along with his bitches would take away so much freedom from us in such a short time.
Speaking of sorry excuses, this is just another pissed off Republican spreading BS before elections....


Well-Known Member
Congress along with that FAILURE of a President Obama are backing a bill that would give the government the ability to censor what U.S citizens are able to veiw on the internet. I hope I am not the only one that thinks this is such a ridiculous facist act. WTF is happening to the U.S. Horrible! I must say that i never thought i would see the day when our leader along with his bitches would take away so much freedom from us in such a short time.
How quickly you forget President Bush's Patriot act, but yea, its all obama. Get off it, i don't give a fuck who's in office, the government has been working at making us a police state since before I was born, and you really have the fucking nerve to act shocked and say "I didn't see it coming?" REALLY?!! Where have you been, hiding your head in the sand? A blind man could have seen this coming. 1984, Fahrenheit 451, the list goes on and on, GENERATIONS saw this shit coming. Did you forget about when they were censoring the books put in libraries?!! Are you for real?!!


Well-Known Member
But thats just it, its not going faster, were just at that part of the process. It only seems like its happening faster because were getting close to a point of complete loss of our freedom and privacy...don't get me wrong, I've seen it coming since I was a child and it doesn't make it any less tragic, It makes me want to scream, but I know it would do no like pissing on a burning tire factory...


Well-Known Member
i often wonder if it ever was. An old man once told me there was no "good ol' days", we just remember our past romanticly...


Well-Known Member
Presidents are no different. It's all a bullshit charade to keep everyone pissed at each other. It works really well.


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show us that no matter whos in office big government is always going to try and run our life's...


Well-Known Member
See, my point, a room full of us that know it, and can't do shit to change it. really really frusterating, to make it worse, as far as I know, there is no free country, so its not like we have options...we really don't, its be suppressed by our govt, or by another govt, thats basicly our options....