Contact Obama about his reaction to legalizing marijuana


Active Member
As soon as California officially is absorbed by Mexico, that just might come to pass... :mrgreen:
Hey there! I'll not have someone from Northern Cuba slander my quasi-republic!:blsmoke:

And to the original poster, sorry to pull this OT, message to Obama sent. I don't know enough about wall street to form an educated opinion of his recent financial initiatives, and I didn't just vote for the guy over his professed stance on pot, but seeing him on that video basically slandering the millions online that helped put him in office made my blood boil. Honeymoon is officially over for me.

Though, I still prefer him to McCain dieing in office and Palin taking over. I liked McCain. He almost got my vote, I was truly on the fence. He lost it when he chose a running mate that I wouldn't put in charge of a Dairy Queen.


New Member
I think Cuba just may replace California... we can't afford to change all of the flags....:lol:

Besides they make Havana Club 15 year old rum....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the side posting at all. It's actually educational for some of the people on here. It's also quite entertaining too. I'm not taking sides, but I have to agree that the strains mentioned previously were not schwag. You're thinking of that compressed mishandled Mexican weed that is filled with seeds...not the same at all.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
thats all I have harvested so far is seeds from bricked up mexican weed. Ever tried? You can get some crazy pot outta some of those seeds lol


New Member
Unknown seeds are like Christmas gifts from your aunts and uncles.... could be a cool video game....could be a sweater.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've only tried to grow mexican seeds once, but they were stolen. Right now I am just growing autoflowering strains. That was an excellent analogy CrackerJax.


New Member
Honestly, i think growing would be out of the question for two reasons.
1.) Very difficult on a health standard aspect, which is why the FDA would get involved.
2.) Because of No.1... The cops would still be getting into everyone's back yard, which for me is a deal breaker. Frankly, I'd rather have them spend their limited man hours on solving REAL crime.

On the positive, you could go down to the convenient store and buy extremely good prerolled (or bulk) weed at an affordable rate (much more so than today). That's when you'd pay your taxes, just like cig's and booze.

In my opinion... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow, so many opinions some based on fact, some on experience and some are obviously clueless.

I smoked my first joint in 1968, have no idea what it was called, who cared it got me high. I have also been involved off and on with NORML since 1972.

My major concern with marijuana becoming legal is that the tobacco companies get their hands on it. Tobacco is bad but the crap they add into it makes it worse. I for one do not want them to add their addictive sustances to pot so they can make a bigger profit. I hope WHEN marijuana becomes legal that it goes the route of an agricultural product that can be classified as organic.

For the first time in 40 years of smoking, I actually feel that I will see the prohibition end in my lifetime, but do fear that greed and corruption will still dictate marijuana growth and sale. Honestly, our corporations and government can be as dishonest and corrupt as any cartel and as greedy. As much as I want to see legalization, I hope that it does not just turn into pharmaceutical company that does not care about the well being of the people using their product, just about profits. Lets hope the FDA has nothing to do with the distribution.

Legalization will be a two edged sword. On one side it would be grand to be able to grow and smoke without threat or concern of legal ramifications but I wonder what we might give up in the process. Quality and purity are two of the things that worry me most. As far as the cost goes, I think it might actually be cheaper with legalization in many areas since its not unusal to see medi quality weed go for $350-$400 an oz where I live.


Active Member
On the positive, you could go down to the convenient store and buy extremely good prerolled (or bulk) weed

It could very well go that way, if big companies get involved and have to start competing for the claim of superior product(Camel Greens are now TWICE as strong as Marlboro Marleys!!:roll:), but if it goes more in the Canadian direction and it's gov. produced then not likely. Something like 80+% of Canadian med patients still buy illegally because the weed the government grows for med patients is...drum roll please......2% THC.

So we'll likely either have good weed made by Winston-Salem with god knows what added to make it as addictive as possible, or the gov. makes it and it's crap. I have a feeling even if everything but cultivation were legalized, I'd still grow.


Well-Known Member
Please people write a letter. In the video the press secretary says, "It's not the first time an interest group gets on a website and votes many times for their question to be answered". So basically they think that it was a group like NORML or MPP going on the White House website and making up fake names or something, to vote in a question to be asked. I am again urging everyone to please click on the link I provided on the first page of this thread, and write to President Obama telling him what you think. You can just use the prewritten letter provided by NORML if you'd like, or you can write or add your own thoughts.


Active Member
Secretary Gibbs response was a joke. It won't be long until everyone sees the truth in the madness behind the drug war and wants it to end.


Active Member
If anyone watched Bill Maher tonight on HBO...He spent quite a bit of time on this subject, he supported the view of legalizing and talked shit about Obama's reaction. He even posted up screenshots of the questions, along with the reactions from Obama..In direct relation to all the top questions in the online poll, Maher's guests and audience agreed with the legalization standpoint...At least the word is out there..


New Member
I think it would be more logical to tell Obama to quit being a fuckin Nazi,instead of worrying about weed,you poor misguided soul....