Contrasting advice? Seedlings

The Serpent

Active Member
Hey guys, now this is defo covered some other places but my search function isn't working so hence a question post (and my apologies).

I speak to two other growers but they have both given me contrasting advice, which leaves me unsure which course to follow!

My germinated seeds in the rock wool cube, I'm running a cfl 125 over them which does the trick nicely, however one grower says to keep the propogater lid over them to build up humidity and warmth until they sprout up, even though it's a good 6 inches above the seedlings which I just put into rock wool and my other grower says to leave the lid off and place the CFL 3 inches above, so the plants don't stretch...

Now usually I'd do a search and find this on the forum, but my search ain't working, my page keeps timing out (my ISP is slow today).

I'd appreciate the advice guys, thanks! I just want to follow the correct course from day 1!



Well-Known Member
Once the seeds sprout, you should remove the dome. Failure to do so will induce shock later when you do. When I see my first sprout coming up, I crack the dome seal or adjust vents to allow air in. When the seeds have all sprouted (we hope for 100%), take off the dome and lower the CFL. for 150W CFL, I'd go with about 6-8" above the seedlings, not 3". Both growers are partially right. The dome does need to be in place until the seeds sprout and the light should be close to plants to prevent stretch.


Active Member
Keep the humidity dome, or propagator lid on (vented so they can still breathe) until they take root. They need little light as seedlings.
Once they take root, then you can place your light closer. I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
The dome comes off when the seedlings sprout, not when they root. rooting can take up to 2 weeks. The dome is only on the tray to keep the medium moist until the seeds sprout.

Keep the humidity dome, or propagator lid on (vented so they can still breathe) until they take root. They need little light as seedlings.
Once they take root, then you can place your light closer. I hope this helps.


Active Member
The dome comes off when the seedlings sprout, not when they root. rooting can take up to 2 weeks. The dome is only on the tray to keep the medium moist until the seeds sprout.
Like I said in the other thread, I give advise based on what has worked for me. Are you going to go thread to thread and argue with me?


Well-Known Member
No, why would I argue with a brand new member that is giving out questionable advice? You may want to go back to your Jorge DVDs and re-do the propagation titles... There are several great reasons for NOT LEAVING a dome on seedlings, such as damp off, mildew, fungi and the high humidity will prevent the stomata from working efficiently. The high humidity wil also slow root growth, because the roots won't bother seeking out water, because the leaves will be saturated. I'm not arguing with you at all, I'm correcting your bad advice. And as for following you, I visit these boards every day and your post just happened to be on top of the most recent.

Like I said in the other thread, I give advise based on what has worked for me. Are you going to go thread to thread and argue with me?


Active Member
No, why would I argue with a brand new member that is giving out questionable advice? You may want to go back to your Jorge DVDs and re-do the propagation titles... There are several great reasons for NOT LEAVING a dome on seedlings, such as damp off, mildew, fungi and the high humidity will prevent the stomata from working efficiently. The high humidity wil also slow root growth, because the roots won't bother seeking out water, because the leaves will be saturated. I'm not arguing with you at all, I'm correcting your bad advice. And as for following you, I visit these boards every day and your post just happened to be on top of the most recent.
You told on me.... I can't talk to you anymore. You're like the police. Lets do this: Let's put each other on our ignore lists.


Well-Known Member
I won't have to put you on my ignore list because at your current pace, you won't be here long enough anyways.... ;)

You told on me.... I can't talk to you anymore. You're like the police. Lets do this: Let's put each other on our ignore lists.


Active Member
I won't have to put you on my ignore list because at your current pace, you won't be here long enough anyways.... ;)
Haha let the kid do things his own way if he wants, +rep for giving the good answers where they're needed.


Active Member
Haha let the kid do things his own way if he wants, +rep for giving the good answers where they're needed.
I am 38, not a kid. And I do not know what a "rep" is. This site is starting to remind me of Myspace.

Does anyone know how to close out their account? I can't seem to find the link for it. This site is not for me.


New Member
I did the paper towl with hit or miss results.. shot glass water in dark with h202 is the 100% ticket for me.

The Serpent

Active Member
Despite the little falme war going down here, thanks for the replies including yourself Cervezacorona. I'll make sure to remove the dome once the sprouts come up for all the reasons listed in detail!

Cheers again guys and talk nice?


Active Member
Despite the little falme war going down here, thanks for the replies including yourself Cervezacorona. I'll make sure to remove the dome once the sprouts come up for all the reasons listed in detail!

Cheers again guys and talk nice?
I just wanted to help, but apparently this is not possible here. I sent a message to Admin, and asked for them to close out my account.
I kind of thought this would be a nice place to hang out and discuss weed. But all I see is some kind of bashing or another, whether it
be LEDs, or CFLs, indoor vs. outdoor, soil vs. hydro, so on and so on... I thought I'd stick up for some of the LED users, because I am
one myself. And have gotten good results with it. For those efforts, Serapis snitched on me. (based on a comment not even directed at him)
Then continued to follow me around and bash my comments. I am not here for that. I am a disabled person, practically immobile, and because
of that, I don't get out much, so I participated on this site's threads, because I thought it be nice to talk with people, because like I said, I
don't get out much, and I do live alone, I rarely get to talk with people.

This is sad, because we all fight so hard for laws to change so disabled people like myself and others can naturally medicate, and fellow users
tell on each other? And try to police a website that is not even theirs? Belittle them for their efforts?

So, best of wishes to everyone. I am done on this site.



Well-Known Member
When you are done painting yourself as a victim here, take a look at the cold hard facts.... You called other posters idiots because you disagreed with them. You are currently involved in flame wars on 4 threads now. I told you, I'm not following you.... any new posts show up at the top of the list.

I detest personal insults and abusive posts. I report them because the moderators cannot get to every thread and post and ensure compliance with teh terms of service that you agreed to follow when you joined the site. I'm sorry you think it is snitching. Perhaps if you could hold your tongue and be nice to other members, some that have been here for years, you wouldn't have to worry about infractions. Rather than bitching that I'm snitching on you, you should be apologizing for having been abusive and prompting me to report the abuse to begin with. If you'd like to have more friends and more friendly discussions with people, go review the threads that you are currently fighting with others in and see how maybe you could have worded something differently.

You just joined the site and already have people pissed and or putting you on ignore. What does that tell you?

I just wanted to help, but apparently this is not possible here. I sent a message to Admin, and asked for them to close out my account.
I kind of thought this would be a nice place to hang out and discuss weed. But all I see is some kind of bashing or another, whether it
be LEDs, or CFLs, indoor vs. outdoor, soil vs. hydro, so on and so on... I thought I'd stick up for some of the LED users, because I am
one myself. And have gotten good results with it. For those efforts, Serapis snitched on me. (based on a comment not even directed at him)
Then continued to follow me around and bash my comments. I am not here for that. I am a disabled person, practically immobile, and because
of that, I don't get out much, so I participated on this site's threads, because I thought it be nice to talk with people, because like I said, I
don't get out much, and I do live alone, I rarely get to talk with people.

This is sad, because we all fight so hard for laws to change so disabled people like myself and others can naturally medicate, and fellow users
tell on each other? And try to police a website that is not even theirs? Belittle them for their efforts?

So, best of wishes to everyone. I am done on this site.



Active Member
I am 38, not a kid. And I do not know what a "rep" is. This site is starting to remind me of Myspace.

Does anyone know how to close out their account? I can't seem to find the link for it. This site is not for me.
Its the internet man, chill out a bit. Apologies for the kid comment. Rep is the reputation points RIU uses, helps to show who has been helpful to others and generally knows what they're doing. I among others highly respect Serapis for his experience, knowledge, and how willing he is to help others out. I highly doubt he has it out for you, really doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Have a smoke and relax a bit.