controling the people.


Well-Known Member
The next government needs to ban misinformation in the election. It's beyond sad that the Harper government has been giving out wrong information and campaigning on lies for a long long time now. Things that are easily disproved. Stuff that's not even a question.

What about the suicide rate plummeting in legal places? What about crime both violent and non violent dropping?


Well-Known Member
The next government needs to ban misinformation in the election. It's beyond sad that the Harper government has been giving out wrong information and campaigning on lies for a long long time now. Things that are easily disproved. Stuff that's not even a question.

What about the suicide rate plummeting in legal places? What about crime both violent and non violent dropping?
Lol good luck trying to eliminate the use of propaganda and disinformation in politics!


Well-Known Member
majority of the people are weak sheeple! they will vote for what sounds best. the safety of Canada against terrorists is huge and the sheeple, they gobble that shit up. look at harpers fan pages and see all the love they give him. a lot of religious people and seniors and immagrants follow his bs cause a lot think like him and came from a shit country, so keeping the bad people out is a good thing lol.
imo fracking, oil sands, greed are what we neeeed to worry about fucking up Canada, and getting harpo out!


Well-Known Member
Lol good luck trying to eliminate the use of propaganda and disinformation in politics!
It's a lofty wish I know. I just wish this current government had any respect for science or how facts work. Instead he's running a campaign on how great he is at putting us into a recession and how awesome he is at piling up massive debts.


Well-Known Member
It's a lofty wish I know. I just wish this current government had any respect for science or how facts work. Instead he's running a campaign on how great he is at putting us into a recession and how awesome he is at piling up massive debts.
You are the one to enforce that respect upon them, by withholding your vote from fools like those.


Well-Known Member
i would like someone to ask Harper where he gets his information that MJ is so harmful if there have been no studies. isn't that the reason they say it's not legal. if Harper has info PROVING it harmful, he really should share that....maybe he could save us from the "demon weed"
how can they tout is so harmful so often yet turn around when confronted and say there's no studies?? they can't talk about either side of the coin then


Well-Known Member
i would like someone to ask Harper where he gets his information that MJ is so harmful if there have been no studies. isn't that the reason they say it's not legal. if Harper has info PROVING it harmful, he really should share that....maybe he could save us from the "demon weed"
how can they tout is so harmful so often yet turn around when confronted and say there's no studies?? they can't talk about either side of the coin then
I think its his religious insight, not the proof. sex, drugs and rock & roll are bad, stay away
but booze in his house to under age girls is ok


Well-Known Member
If he feels better about leaving his daughter in a room full of drunk men...while she's drunk...:lol: That's ok...for him!

If he think she won't come home prego. he's got another thought comin.. weeeeee... :lol:


Well-Known Member
wow did that actually come out in court?
sick, it would be nice to see him do time lol
or voted out at least


Well-Known Member
they did a great job of keeping him at arms length....or they say he was....
i don't buy into that as he is VERY hands on from what I have read so how was this kept off his plate? if it's true that his own office kept him out of the loop like that then what else have they done? i won't believe for a minute that they orchestrated it only "one time" to hide something. if they were my employees, they'd be canned for insubordination but they are still employed and Harper still speaks highly of them....makes no sense.
i can't wait until he is GONE