Conversation Thread


Well-Known Member
Curing a little red dwarf...should be ready by birthday.

ETA: That's a red dwarf mj plant, for those with their minds in the gutter, lol.
i like my husband...rotf
happy early birthday! Do you plan on watching some red dwarf when you get done curing? :p

holy SHIT aapril. You got quite the green thumb. If I had a house, I'd probably do the same :D


Well-Known Member
damn man, you guy's have really really good sounding food, i gotta go to the store man... all I have is some Lays Cheddar and Sour Cream.... but I have bud! I always make sure I have bud...

I don't think i've gone a day in the last few years without bud, maybe food and water, but never bud

I mean to me, I think bud is better than a lot of things, just because I know so many people who would rather me give them a handful of plants vs. a handful of money. But if it weren't for my friends who each own acres upon acres of growing fields, I wouldn't have JACK SHIT. So it's not really me thats lucky, I just live around nice people! haha so thats why I started growing myself and I can't wait for my first harvest that I CAN FINALLY SHARE!!! I don't know about you, but I always get that ooey-gooey good feeling whenever I give someone free bud, it just makes me remember how happy I was when I got free/cheap bud for the first time.
Cannabis will get you through a time with no money, better than money will get you through a time with no cannabis :p
I just made a kickin' pot of shrimp and sausage jambalaya. It was supposed to be for lunch tomorrow, but I just had to make sure it turned out all right.


Well-Known Member
I just made a kickin' pot of shrimp and sausage jambalaya. It was supposed to be for lunch tomorrow, but I just had to make sure it turned out all right.
Oh my god that thing wouldn't stand a chance in my house xD
dude... you don't even know well actually you probably do. When I first started smoking that was basically my motto. I mean you should have seen it, I'd have all the cash I'd need and as soon as I could muster up the funds, BAM no one answers their phone, no one answers their door, and I wasn't legal at the time, so no co-op either.

I would literally sit and stare at the wall, just waiting for a phone call or a knock at the door. I didn't think about food and water the way I do now, after i experienced with hard drugs I learned that it's all about self control when it comes to time of need. So I figured I'd give it a try.

I straight up cold turkey quit one time to see if I could mentally overcome the challange, I agreed. Let me tell you, it's only bad if you make it bad. I just didn't let myself think about it- instead of constantly thinking about it. trust me, IT'S EASIER THAN IT SOUNDS.

...but then I quickly rewarded myself with some bowls bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
A fukin men! high i may thro that on my signiture if you dont mind ofcourse!
Go right ahead :) Yay that makes two people signature with my quotes :D Im not the FIRST person to say that but its a good one none the less :)

It almost didn't last here. I had to sample two big bowlfuls. You can never be too careful about such things.
Thats the way to do it :D Damn come live here dudde! lol

dude... you don't even know well actually you probably do. When I first started smoking that was basically my motto. I mean you should have seen it, I'd have all the cash I'd need and as soon as I could muster up the funds, BAM no one answers their phone, no one answers their door, and I wasn't legal at the time, so no co-op either.

I would literally sit and stare at the wall, just waiting for a phone call or a knock at the door. I didn't think about food and water the way I do now, after i experienced with hard drugs I learned that it's all about self control when it comes to time of need. So I figured I'd give it a try.

I straight up cold turkey quit one time to see if I could mentally overcome the challange, I agreed. Let me tell you, it's only bad if you make it bad. I just didn't let myself think about it- instead of constantly thinking about it. trust me, IT'S EASIER THAN IT SOUNDS.

...but then I quickly rewarded myself with some bowls
Dude.. I'm becoming quite fond of you :D Lol you word everything so RIGHT! That is close to my EXACT life/thinking process


Well-Known Member
Being a virgin sucks, It's kind of depressing going to bed alone each night, even if you are baked.


Well-Known Member
Being a virgin sucks, It's kind of depressing going to bed alone each night, even if you are baked.
waitwaitwaitwaitwait WHAT?! Don't worry man, you'll find some special girl at some special time and it'll happen. I plomise. Its probably better your not out fuckin god knows what all the tme like I was xD
thanks man, its nice to see someone finally agreeing with my views.
most people I talk to, well the ones I tell the truth to, seem to just brush me of as a social pariah, and say i'm a prasite of society- a bottom feeder- when in actuality im doing more for it then they will ever do!

why are people so full of hate and judgement???

and if there is anything greater than cannabis that people can learn to share, it's love and acceptance, but thats not accepted by society now, is it? and thats why i like the internet, it connects people around the world, people that otherwise never would have met or communicated in such ways. it's like the cannabis of technology, it just brings everything together man.

and haha maybe i'll send my avatar in and they'll make a commercial.... or i'll have the feds knockin at my door equipped with AR-15's full auto because I'm a "bad person"

I don't know about you but I always feel scattered after I write stuff down in a post, it's like seeing my brain on a piece of paper, and it ain't pretty picture.


Well-Known Member
Dude I love those days, people just come over and are like smoke? and your like wtf I totally forgot! But dude your right xD Arent you some weed model or something? I feel pretty fuckin cool right now no lie :p
Ooh, lucky you, April! X3 And it took me so long to back because I succeeded with that joint. Again, rubbing my rizla in the hash dish lol

I'm a member of 420 Girlz. They're a fun bunch over there. I spent a good few month on their forum while I was waiting to be old enough to Legitimately continue using my account here. I like being on both. :3



Well-Known Member
thanks man, its nice to see someone finally agreeing with my views.
most people I talk to, well the ones I tell the truth to, seem to just brush me of as a social pariah, and say i'm a prasite of society- a bottom feeder- when in actuality im doing more for it then they will ever do!

why are people so full of hate and judgement???

and if there is anything greater than cannabis that people can learn to share, it's love and acceptance, but thats not accepted by society now, is it? and thats why i like the internet, it connects people around the world, people that otherwise never would have met or communicated in such ways. it's like the cannabis of technology, it just brings everything together man.

and haha maybe i'll send my avatar in and they'll make a commercial.... or i'll have the feds knockin at my door equipped with AR-15's full auto because I'm a "bad person"

I don't know about you but I always feel scattered after I write stuff down in a post, it's like seeing my brain on a piece of paper, and it ain't pretty picture.
yupyupyup scattered :) EXACTLY. I honestly.. I don't know this may be otlandish.. But sometimes I feel as if there is a certain strain of people, like us. Because seriously, you and a couple others on the forum have that quality. If youd call ti that. Anyways, same with in real life. Not a disease or anything. Just a strand of people.. Im really high so bare with me here lol but ti makes snese, and I immediately point the people out because I just feel like im on their same level or seomthing.. Your not a bottom feeder if you dont base your life around drugs. Thats what I learned. You cant constantly talk aobut drugs in real life or anything because you'll sound liek a jackass due to the people who arent in our same strain :p well there is a bigger strain of those kind of peoples. Anyways. there was something else Iwas gonna put i nthere but I forgot... go figure lol


Well-Known Member
Ooh, lucky you, April! X3 And it took me so long to back because I succeeded with that joint. Again, rubbing my rizla in the hash dish lol

I'm a member of 420 Girlz. They're a fun bunch over there. I spent a good few month on their forum while I was waiting to be old enough to Legitimately continue using my account here. I like being on both. :3
damn dude nice :p how did they even know if you were posting on two forums or not? :o That seems liek a pretty fuckin rad job dude :D