Convict Kush!!!~~~~~1200 watt grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Found it^^^ $1000 for a small, $6000 for a big. The website has no specs, except the spectrum. Plus, gotta reserve a slot, for them to make u one...

J, I dont even know what to say. I just got home from a sourthern BBQ. Ribz,Chix,Chopz and 20 other side dishes. Give me a minute. Zzzz


Active Member
Remix that bitch! Take that, take that, take that [youtube]D_rE0RzrFY8[/youtube]
LOL I just watched some shit on PBS Nova...the guy who invented the auto-tune was on there....but he uses it completely different....he claims this way is "wrong" because it just stacks your voice on certain notes, instead of gradually declining it, making it better ;)

Damn you pbs......informational BS! I love it...:D




Well-Known Member
Fditty, I just got back and left the babies in the flowering room with 12/12 while I was gone and they look much better!!


Active Member
So, how much does a yield suffer when doing a 12/12 grow? I'm just curious why people would bother?


Well-Known Member
i dunno if any of you watch lost but im planning on getting blazed as fuck for this finale. Also, Im harvesting two of the Fab 5 tomorrow.. Also very excited for that.. :)


Active Member
I watched the first 5 seasons but 6 and 7 I haven't seen yet. Are they worth it?
Probably going to download them right now.


Well-Known Member
some of them are kinda slow but yea dude.. the last few epidoses have been the shit! Im phyched! They have a 2 hour pre-show that will get you up to date.. then the finale is 2 hours..