Coolers, PH problem, FloraNova, Cloudy smelly water, running a test

Ontario Hydro

Active Member
Hey man, hope this thread isn't entirely dead... I was growing in DWC using Flora Nova Bloom. When I say 'growing', i mean constantly trying to grow. I continually had problems with root rot and cloudy, smelly water. Then I started adding H2O2. The problem somewhat persisted. I deduced my bottle of FloraNova had gone bad over the years (maybe I left it outside in the sun?).

So I bought a new bottle. Definitely has a better consistency than the old one. Used H2O2 with it. The water still went cloudy / had particulate settle at the bottom of the tub. Then I deduced that I needn't add H2O2 with it because it may be killing beneficial bacteria in the FloraNova.

That leaves me where I am today: If the water still has particulate settle at the bottom even after I stopped adding H202, then I know I'm done with Flora Nova for DWC. Many months of dying plants and half-cocked remedies may have put me off DWC altogether.