cooling my room idea

just wondering if my idea will work or anybody out there has tried something similar i'am having a problem with heat so i was thinking to rectifie the problem i would try and build some type of cooling system
i was thinking of taking a plastic tote and putting inside the tote frozen milk jugs on either side of the tote i would cut holes and then run my intake ducting that is bringing air in from outside into one side of the tote and then on the other side have the same size ducting comeing out of the other hole
i think the air passsing through the frozen jugs will cool the room any thoughts let me know


Active Member
Dry ice is C02 and it lowers temp as well. also.. if u wanna get rid of heat get a closed hood light fixture

Guitar guy

Active Member
That's how the air conditioner works at my school. It sucks when all the ice melts because it takes them like 3 days to replace it. I would cool my cab like this but I'm having two plants in there this round so space is an issue already


Well-Known Member
Just consider the constant replacement of the ice jugs, you need alot of freezer room, like you said suck when you run out,

My two cents

Peace M