Corporate Pot Profiteers Don't Care About Patients


Well-Known Member
from the article
"How classy would it be for a licensed producer to say that they are putting a portion of their profits towards the coalition which is fighting to protect home cultivation? Think of the free publicity! Think of how patients might react to that show of solidarity and support! Why haven't any of their marketing departments come up with this idea?"

that would be such a switch in the paradigm...if they supported the injunction as they recognize there's room for everyone!


Well-Known Member
I fully supported the coalition in the beginning, even donated. Recently I was made aware some very sketchy things about the coalition. Was a real eye opener, it has basically been turned into a business itself. Money being diverted to wages and administration, unchecked. These guys were supposed to be fighting for the people, not making money off them.



Well-Known Member
All I know is that in one of the latest videos posted by Wilcox, he states that it's now effectively become a million dollar case and they need more money overall now.


Well-Known Member
No shit. They knew that at the start. They also knew this IS GOING to take years. Of course it will need an endless supply of cccash...
Lots of bullshit to this merrygoround.



Well-Known Member
I guess it goes with out saying that a lot of charitable organizations are kinda shady. Seems it's very expensive to raise money. It takes a lot of time and effort, so why shouldn't everybody involved be compensated. Wonder how well the MMAR coalition are being compensated? Or is 100% of my donation going to Conroy? I guess I was nieve thinking that the majority of the money I gave will ever make it to court cost. Instead to "administration cost".
Kinda a catch 22, with out donations no court case, without coalition no donations. Good business, "give us money to help fight the government" Maybe I'll start one. Eh G? Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
I guess it goes with out saying that a lot of charitable organizations are kinda shady. Seems it's very expensive to raise money. It takes a lot of time and effort, so why shouldn't everybody involved be compensated. Wonder how well the MMAR coalition are being compensated? Or is 100% of my donation going to Conroy? I guess I was nieve thinking that the majority of the money I gave will ever make it to court cost. Instead to "administration cost".
Kinda a catch 22, with out donations no court case, without coalition no donations. Good business, "give us money to help fight the government" Maybe I'll start one. Eh G? Any ideas?

How many shoe boxes did you send them? Or was it your income from designing lp grow rooms?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I fully supported the coalition in the beginning, even donated. Recently I was made aware some very sketchy things about the coalition. Was a real eye opener, it has basically been turned into a business itself. Money being diverted to wages and administration, unchecked. These guys were supposed to be fighting for the people, not making money off them.

Ya I supported them too...not so sure anymore that they are on the other side now...bought off by big money and weasels.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I'm planning on donating some more to Conroy directly....hopefully his oath to serve his clients is stronger than his love of money. I hope they didn't buy him off and his integrity holds out......Go John Go


Well-Known Member
Well when the first videos with him wearing support clothing started popping up it was obvious the medical cannabis advocate in him turned money maker. At the begging I didn't really care after all we all have to make a living but once the corporate part was attached to the MMAR coalition and the website, right off the bat you knew what it was all about, pushing product. Then I saw the CBC video with some blurred out face guy (You could tell it was Jason by his earnings) supposedly taking the crew to an illegal grow op, I knew they were full of shit especially once you saw the supposed "illegal grower" if you knew the guy you knew right away who he was by the way he talked and what he was wearing.

Not the CBC video.

I can see from the website there is still no new info at all but not surprising since the website domain expired some months back and it took weeks for them to pay the $15 to renew it for another year lol.

You can now connect the dots why he made those LP's videos. If the court case went south and licenses were done his sponsors wouldn't touch him with a 50 foot pole as it would be supporting illegal cannabis growing vs now which is still more on the legal side vs illegal so what the next best stop for income, supporting LP's


Well-Known Member
Why is there a warning to medical gardeners at 1:38?

Let thy medicine be thy food and vice versa

We make the best nutrients....LP talk

We don't believe in flushing agents because our nutes are pure....

Seems to be a few dollars worth of stock in the "warehouse"

You know who I'd like to hear from.....



Well-Known Member
Why is there a warning to medical gardeners at 1:38?

Let thy medicine be thy food and vice versa

We make the best nutrients....LP talk

We don't believe in flushing agents because our nutes are pure....

Seems to be a few dollars worth of stock in the "warehouse"

You know who I'd like to hear from.....


I like Remo, he's a col cat. He see's the silver lining, but I think he's going a different direction. He's branding himself, and peddling his products. But, I think his wife is the treasurer for the coalition. Remo's a good guy in my books,



Well-Known Member
There are shit heads in every business. This is no different!. :)
To think patients will lose their rights to rec smokers? It's never going to happen.
To even think that is funny really.
If patients can't have the right to meds like they have had since 2001... No one will!
They fed want this. Despite what HC says.
No one is going to stop it now no matter what!

It'll be a shit fest though.. is already!
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