could i use this kind of lite for vegg


Well-Known Member
Depends, most flood lights are halogen which are a big no-no for grow.

lol.......your turning into qite the little thread whore huh crazy?


Well-Known Member
Mental....basically what you wanna look at it the bulb and ballast type. Most parking and or flood as of late has always been Halogen. Lately many use MH bulbs. If its a Metal Halide then your good. Those bulbs as you know are great. Only think you gotta worry about at that point is temp, since they get very hot.


Well-Known Member
So then most likely no. Its prob Halogen. Not only that bus most flood lights produce a low spectrum color temp. So its near or around 2000k-3000k, which is no good for veg. You always want a high spectrum color temp for veg, then a low color temp for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Here is a good reference for color temp.

As you can see the 5500k-6500k resembles direct daylight (summer time light) What we use for veg

And 2400-3000k resembles fall time lighting and or dusk/dawn lighting. (fall time light) What we use for flowering

Keeping in mind were trying to recreate the environment marijuana grows in naturally.
