Could stress = seeds?

Good day all,

So would it be possible that some kind of stress or nute deficiency could equal a plant that produces seeds? I have one plant that has experienced a little bit of stress (mg. def. specifically) that has produced seeds! :-( It is from some bag seed, is frosty as can be, is just coming onto 8 weeks and I picked a few of the bottom popcorn buds and found seeds! No bananas, no balls on any of my other girls and "I believe" this is the "only" one with seeds (as I say a little prayer). I do not know how this girl would have become polinated..... Could it be genetics? Any thoughts or help is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
Mmmm Cookies


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a slight case of hermaphroditic pollination, resulting from stress. This is one of the risks you take messing with bagseed.

It's a lot like a box of chocolates- you never know....
Sounds like a slight case of hermaphroditic pollination, resulting from stress. This is one of the risks you take messing with bagseed.

It's a lot like a box of chocolates- you never know....
Wouldn't there be signs of the hermie though? Shouldn't I see some bananas in there some where? I thought it best to cut my teeth on some bag seed before I butcher something I drop some money on. Ultimately, I guess my question is, is it possible that I have done everything right (with the exception of the mg. def.) and that the problem lies in the plant itself? Bad genes if you will? Does a seed from a hermie plant produce a hermie plant? Sorry for the newb questions and thanks in advance for any input!



bud bootlegger
yes, seed's from a hermie tend to be more prone to go hermie than seeds from a non hermie plant..
but the only thing that will produce seeds is a female that was somehow pollinated.. my guess is that you must have missed a nanner in there somewhere which in turn pollinated your sesimillia crop..


Well-Known Member
A hermie means part of the plant is male. There was probably a staminate flower growing inside on of your buds where it was impossible to see it and it pollinated the bud it was in. The seeds won't automatically be hermies but obviously flawed genetics
yes, seed's from a hermie tend to be more prone to go hermie than seeds from a non hermie plant..
but the only thing that will produce seeds is a female that was somehow pollinated.. my guess is that you must have missed a nanner in there somewhere which in turn pollinated your sesimillia crop..
Now that blows! I think you are right as I just chopped a nug from one of the other girls and she yeilded 1 seed so far! It must have happened when I was sexing but I was checking every day and the males were removed immediately as they appeared! How can this be avoided when sexing? What about the clones of these girls, if they were pollinated, the clones would've been taken after so, will they now produce seeds? Funny thing is, all I see is hairs every where, especially on the sativa dom. No bananas, balls , herms or anything like this, it's really pissing me off and of course I would like to resolve before spending money on some proven genetics! It's only for me so no big deal, I grew up smoking seeds! I will also make some sweet ass butter as both ladies are sticky and sweet as can be! I still need to resolve this matter! Is there a chance that that there is still male pollin floating around my flower room even now almost 8 weeks later? Thanks again to all who input, much appreciated, this site rocks!

Cheers and cookies for all!


Well-Known Member
Light leaks, temps over 90 f, excessive temp. fluctuation (more than 10f) can all cause INNER-SEXED buds that will pollinate a few calyxes.
There is a difference between Hermies and inner sexed plants.
Hermies tend to have entire branches that are male or at least entire flower clusters that are male (complete male flower [calyx, stigma, anthers, etc]) and is most commonly influenced by GENETICS.
Inner-sexed plants will have normal buds with what many call "bananas" hidden amongst the clusters of calyxes. These are only one part of a full blown male flower, just the anther.
Bananas are most commonly influenced by edaphic conditions, environmental stressors, etc.
Light leaks, temps over 90 f, excessive temp. fluctuation (more than 10f) can all cause INNER-SEXED buds that will pollinate a few calyxes.
There is a difference between Hermies and inner sexed plants.
Hermies tend to have entire branches that are male or at least entire flower clusters that are male (complete male flower [calyx, stigma, anthers, etc]) and is most commonly influenced by GENETICS.
Inner-sexed plants will have normal buds with what many call "bananas" hidden amongst the clusters of calyxes. These are only one part of a full blown male flower, just the anther.
Bananas are most commonly influenced by edaphic conditions, environmental stressors, etc.
This sounds like the problem right here, I had temp issues for the first 3 - 4 weeks before I set up my exhaust fan! Plus rep to all for your help!

Peace and Cookies!