

Well-Known Member
"they’re only using the poisoning as an excuse to wrap a policy that was already thought of and sort through before the actual Skripel Gate occurred. I think anyone who’s seen James Bond movies knows that 07 can kill enemies. And the U.S. assassinates people all the time. It’s killed foreign leaders like the president Allende in Latin America "

Allende -- murdered in 1973 by Nixon's administration. All the time!!!
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Well-Known Member
"they’re only using the poisoning as an excuse to wrap a policy that was already thought of and sort through before the actual Skripel Gate occurred. I think anyone who’s seen James Bond movies knows that 07 can kill enemies. And the U.S. assassinates people all the time. It’s killed foreign leaders like the president Allende in Latin America "

Allende -- murdered in 1973 by Nixon's administration. All the time!!!
One of my professors was kind of responsible for that shit show. I TA'ed for him and he told me the whole regrettable story over beers one night. It was a good story and not the last time that his academic work got highjacked by spooks.


Well-Known Member
Liberal media nowadays defend the FBI and CIA and even the NSA zealously. What an appalling state of affairs!


Well-Known Member
(US mainstream media) the world’s premier serial meddler in the political affairs of other countries go after hapless (and maybe non-existent) Russian meddlers in our 2016 election, as if our own politicians and plutocrats were not already guilty as sin of corrupting and degrading what little (small-d) democracy we have.


Well-Known Member
Even if we suppose that the Russian government was responsible for the Skripal poisonings, what the United States and other Western countries do – and, of course, also what Israel, where poisoning is a high art and “extra-territorial eliminations” are almost a national pastime, does – are as bad or worse.


Well-Known Member
it is hard to ascribe that concern (nuclear war) to people as susceptible as they evidently are to being swept up into the Russophobic war mongering that the Democratic Party and the media that serve it have been actively promoting since the summer of 2016.

Blind anti-Trumpian dogmatism is a more likely explanation.
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Well-Known Member
Thus unfolds the typical Democratic strategy: Make all kinds of progressive noises and cast all kinds of progressive votes, while carefully managing the process so that the legislation the putatively progressives putatively support never gets enacted. Usually, they blame Republican obstructionism, and there certainly is enough of that, and where there is, it provides a convenient way for Democrat legislator to “support” legislation they know will be blocked and wouldn’t really enact themselves if they could.

It must be nice for the ingenue left to have one site to be told everything you should think without knowing anything