Couple questions. Humidity and purple stems


Active Member
So I've read a lot of posts about humidity. People say low humidity doesn't really matter or it doesn't have that much of an effect on overall growth. Other people say it has a big role in growth and development.

Anyways I was wondering does having 20-25% humidity have a major role in growth during the vegetative period? Should I look at getting a humidifier or perhaps spray the plants once per day during their dark period.

My other question is that on my large fan leaves the stems for them are a light purple colour. Is this normal? I think it could be just the strain but one not 100% sure.

I just want to say thanks in advance for anyone who replies.


New Member
I've read that humidity doesn't effect the plants too much it just causes the plants to drink more water because it makes it harder for them to retain it with the dry air. I'm actually growing a plant in 25 percent humidity and it looks beautiful! and for the purple stems google search it that question has been asked a lot and I'm sure you can find a picture and explanation of exactly what is occurring. it could be multiple things. my stems were purple until supplemented cal mag in my feeding and it slowly went away.


Active Member
That's what I though about humidity. As for the purple stems it could be a cal mag def or just a phenotype which I believe it is. Thanks for the reply


Active Member
That's good because if you get huge buds, you're lowering your chances of rot. Stems, as far as I've been taught, is mag deficit, add a pinch or 2 of epsom salt to every gallon and it will remedy it. Does for me everytime. It doesn't actually go away. It just doesnt keep up on thr new growth. All my old growth would still have it that was affected. No matter how much new green growth was built. The older stem parts never changed green. Most things you remedy don't fix your affected areas unless caught earlier. They just dont show on the new growth. Always watch your new growth.