Couple Questions


Active Member
Alright here it is... I'm a week into 12/12 now one of mine is about five inches longer than the rest i've tried pinching it (not off) right below the top set of leaves but it has not stunted its growth and has strived through the pain... any ideas to fix this? i would not worry but my lights are fixed on one platform and when i move it in accordance with the tallest plant all the lights move, therefore providing less light for the rest of my plants. Also one of the plants has grown a bud looking thing at its top where another set of leaves should go. its not like a bud to smoke just a little bud, do you think its a male pollen bud?


Well-Known Member
could well be a male pollen bud site... is it like little balls? I f so then it is a male - get rid of it fast if it is!!!