couture or lesnar ?


Well-Known Member
couture. lesner is a fucking giant but if youve watched him in the last 2 matches he has looked very unprofessional. He has the talent but its way too early in his career for him to challenge someone as technically skilled as couture. Give him a year and a couple matches under his belt and ill call this a fair fight. Unless lesner catches couture off gaurd and gets lucky which i dont see being too unreasonable concidering how much of a beast he is


Green Thumb of God
I'm just giving you shit, I love all MMA threads.

I have a crazy story that I have no place else to post so I will throw it in here. Las night I went out to watch some fights put on by Jeremy Horn's promotion. Connected to the venue the fights were in was a hotel. I was in the hotel partying with some buddies who won their fights and had purchased rooms because the venue was like an hour out of the city.

I was waiting for my wife to come pick me up as I was drunk as shit. So I walk outside the door of the hotel into the parking lot and I had come out the back of the building accidentally so I start walking around and I heear two guys yelling at each other. This one guy is just going ape shit yelling and the other dude is like hey man just leave me alone. Then the go who was going crazy starts walking away turns around throws a big hook followed by a double leg takedown and then ground and pounds this guy with like twenty shots. I am the only person anywhere near these two and I'm just standing there watching it like holy shit he is going to kill that guy. So I yell get the fuck off him man it's over and start walking over there the guy jumps up and runs inside.

I go over to the other guy and he is still out cold laying on his back.So I lean over him and you know rub his jaw, open his airways and wake him up. He wakes up in fight mode and starts yelling at me "why the fuck did you hit me man" luckily a few girls had seen what happened from their room and came out and told him I was just helping.

So we get this guy up to his feet he doesn't know what the fuck even happened then suddenly the guy who kicked his ass comes running out the door with like five friends and his friends are going full steam run up on me saying how they are going to fuck me up and I'm like "what I'm just helping out this random guy who your buddy fucked up for no reason." so then they run at this guy throw him down on the ground but the girls who came out are trying to keep them away and then these guys girlfriends pull up in a car and start trying to pull them away and the dude who ran up on me hits his girlfriend and drops her then his buddies start trying to calm him down and get him to just get in the car and leave.

At this point there is a huge crowd outside and a few fighters from the show had popped out to take care of these guys because it makes us look bad when these fags street fight at our professional events. But they had already packed in their car and taken off before shit hit the fan. We got their license plate number but I bounced before the cops came because I had bud on me and my wife was there to pick me up right in the middle of all this. I was really the only winess to the original fight but I think there were cameras. My buddy said like 15 cop cars showed up.

sorry that was so long winded but I wanted to get the story out and there was no short version.


Green Thumb of God
Also I think Stevenson vs Florian is really the highlight matchup of the card. That has the potential to be an amazing fight


Well-Known Member
would one of you guys mind posting the results of the matches on here afterwords...possibly with a tiny summary of the lesnar couture fight?


New Member
I think its really unfair that Lesnar gets to fight for the UFC heavyweight championship... there are so many other heavy weights that deserve a title shot more then Lesnar.... the UFC is all about money and obviously this fight is gonna bring in alot of money for the UFC


Well-Known Member
I think its really unfair that Lesnar gets to fight for the UFC heavyweight championship... there are so many other heavy weights that deserve a title shot more then Lesnar.... the UFC is all about money and obviously this fight is gonna bring in alot of money for the UFC

yeah i agree. I dont think anyone should be allowed in a championship match for their 3rd ever fight. thats disrespectful to others who have worked hard. While lesner may be huge he has yet to really earn his spot.


Well-Known Member
lesnar has a title shot? ive only seen his debut fight (since UFC has been moved from Bravo to Sentanta sports and we dont have the sky sports package :( ) and he was pretty hooptacular, i think couture will win and i agree that there are much more talented fighters who have surely earned their shot before Lesnar who is pretty much a newbie in the game


Well-Known Member
lesnar has a title shot? ive only seen his debut fight (since UFC has been moved from Bravo to Sentanta sports and we dont have the sky sports package :( ) and he was pretty hooptacular, i think couture will win and i agree that there are much more talented fighters who have surely earned their shot before Lesnar who is pretty much a newbie in the game

yeah the title match it tonight. It is supposedly the "biggest fight in ufc history". if i remember correctly he has had 3 mma fights so far. He does have a ton of wrestling experience though.


Green Thumb of God
Who deserves the title shot more at this point?

Nog and Mir are fighting to see who fights the winner of this fight. Those are really the only 4 heavyweights who would possibly deserve a shot at this point.


Well-Known Member
Lesnar's ground game is pretty strong, he has a great wrestling background since highschool. But I think Randy is just an all around more experienced and technical fighter.