Crack Recipes?

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7 grams coke to 1 gram baking soda with about 1/12 cups of water brought to a boil then then add coke and baking soda turn off heat IMMEDIATELY and stir a couple mins youll have a big rock that youll have to cut to smaller ones

you basikly restated what i told him.


when you cook yay {soft} you add heat and baking soda that transforms the coke from a powder hydrocloride, to a base, so it can be heated and vaporize.


Well-Known Member
heres what you do, take the coke put it in a pot with gasoline. lean your face over the pot and light it on fire. Make to hold your face down for a good 10 seconds as to completely cover your face with flames, thus melting your skin into the pot. But thats only if you want pure crack.

Your a piece of shit. go overdose and die.

o and fellowes, this section is for haluccination drugs, and as far as i knew crack isnt one.
there's your infraction. :clap:


Well-Known Member
IDC what it can do, so fuck you and your crack fellowes. It ruins peoples lives. You dont see people go to rehab for shrooms do u? weed? no you dont people go to rehab for crack and alchohol. SO yea i hate it and if you support it your dirt to me. You have no right to live.

thank you sir, may i have another. :fire: :fire:


IDC what it can do, so fuck you and your crack fellowes. It ruins peoples lives. You dont see people go to rehab for shrooms do u? weed? no you dont people go to rehab for crack and alchohol. SO yea i hate it and if you support it your dirt to me. You have no right to live.

come one cyproz we all know you smoke rocks with a passion, and you do see people go to rehab for weed and other shit. psyilocybin is a controlled substance just like coke and is a felony in any amount to possess.


Active Member
Another g down the drain... My friends total loss = 3g's and 2 broken jars....

How could my friend make a rock out a g? He said he weighed 1g to .14 soda... Half pint mason jar... Microwaved 10 secs at a time to boil for 3 seconds and then removed from microwave and stirred the yellow oil with small steel poker on his pipe cleaner spoon tool multi tool.. Put freezer for 30 min... Stirred and nothing would happen.... He keeps getting mush.. He sucks at life i guess... LOL he cant even figure out what crack heads know..Kinda shamefull...Im sure people getting their rocks off knowing my homie is flushing his money down the toilet....
I'm getting my rocks off as i read this thread .....knowing damn well your "friend" is you....hahah


Well-Known Member
yeah try and cook 4 oz in a testtube. dont put sprite in your coke it ruins it. people use it to make the rocks more fluffy and appear bigger
Test tubes come in many different shapes and sizes, so anythings possible. and damn dude im not smoking the stuff, just selling it. so sprite is an awesome Idea.


New Member
My boy has seen alot of recipes online but are very vague. Anyone in the spirit of pointing my boy in the right direction?
One more thing. If your friend is planning on selling it tell him he'll make more on the raw form. 70-110 a gram compared to 10-20 a a rock which weighs roughly 0.89 grams of coke alone.

desert fox

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go with the glass jars just in case you fuck up.

take high grade coke mix with a water and baking soda. Definately more coke than baking soda, but your mix will depend on the grade of coke. Mix it in a large spoon. Make a poker out of a coat hanger. For best results use a low grade steel without any coating. heat this mix over a gas stove very lightly. Dont burn it. Do this by touching the spoon to the flame, remove from flame, repeat.

Have a ice cube ready sitting towel. When you remove your mix from heating set the spoon on the ice cube. Take you poker and start to stir the mix. You will have a bogger forming. keep stiring and the bogger gets bigger. Try not to make contact with the poker to the sides of the spoon. Take you bogger and lay it out on a nice clean glass surface or load it right to the pipe, and let it dry. Repeating this proccess again you may be able to pull out more crack if there is some left in the water.

smoking, well get the choreboy the copper stuff. heat the piss out of this over the gas stove. always better with more heat. Just like preping a screen. cut it and load it in your pipe.

The rose pipes found in convenient stores suck. They can form very tiny cracks from heat. They will steal your hit. Nothing is worse when you load a gigantic bell ringer hark the hearald angels sing hit, and you dont get shit cuz you failed to see this tiny microscopic crack.

Tire gauges work well. Remove the guts and there is you pipe. They will not crack although they can fail from heat fatigue. Your smoking too much if you need a replacement.

Pyrex is probobly the best.

After a few hits take your poker and force the choreboy to the other side and then back and repeat, repeat, repeat on a cold pipe. The crack sticks to the sides. the choreboy scrapes it off. fire it up and wow. That was in the pipe?

Enjoy and be safe. Rember what your dealing with CRACK. Yes its dangorous and highly addictive. Know your limits and stick to your guide lines. You will never match the feeling or intensity of the first hit of the night. Dont try to be stupid and try to get that feeling again.

Since this is such a touchy subject I would just like to add. I hate snorting coke, but hearing those church bells ring is an amazing thing.


Well-Known Member
7 grams coke to 1 gram baking soda with about 1 1/2 cups of water brought to a boil then then add coke and baking soda turn off heat IMMEDIATELY and stir a couple mins youll have a big rock that youll have to cut to smaller ones

That's the way I saw it done Many Many years ago,,not exact on the measurements,,Than put on paper towels to dry,,on the stove in a pan,,much more than 7 grams though.


Well-Known Member
coke is extracted from a plant. just like all the LSA threads. hypocrites. :cuss:
Exactlly, I learned and respected the power, don't mess with it much no more Tho' But still think about it,,,Now. Would rather have this than Pills the corparations create,,and trying to get a buzz from cough syrup WTF?


Active Member
I think its funny that the people who only smoke weed think theyre better than other people who use other substances.

Stoners talk shit about "marijuana propaganda", yet they perpetuate the propaganda of other drugs.

If people have questions about "crack recipes" or what not, either give them good info or fuck off. Drugs are only "bad" because some idiots can't control themselves and abuse them. Abuse can happen with ANYTHING on earth (if I were to abuse pizza rolls I could eat so many that I become unhealthily obese and die).


New Member
That's the way I saw it done Many Many years ago,,not exact on the measurements,,Than put on paper towels to dry,,on the stove in a pan,,much more than 7 grams though.
I'm exact on the measurements. You can add more or less if you want but most people make it with 7 grams and 1 gram baking soda. You don't have to let dry it does that almost immediately.
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