Cracked Seed Still Good?


Active Member
Well I placed this seed in a glass of water for about 12 hours(I know I should have done 24). Anyway I took it out and then placed it inbetween 2 paper towels soaked and in a ziplock baggy and placed it above my cable box for a nice supply of heat. It wasn't hot but nice and warm.

Later that night when I came home it was already cracked, which was the fastest I've ever seen them crack before.

Now a day later, still in the paper towel, it doesnt look much different, just still cracked, and it almost looks a SLIGHT bit browner, not really brown, but a shade of brown kinda. Does this mean it's dieing and needs air or something? Should it be planted now?

Here is a picture its kinda blurry:



Active Member
no its a dud, i would guess your mistake was changing its environment during germination, if you just put between two damp paper towels and leave it in the bag for a day it will crack open the second day you should see a root sticking out thats when you plant it.

Good luck and remember not to put the light directly on it while it under the surface!


Active Member
Why do you think it's a dud? The seed cracked open and it moved out a little tiny bit just not super fast. We placed it in a pot and soil just about 5 minutes ago should sprout out right? I don't see why you think it's a dud....


Active Member
I too just made a post about the same thing, only I didn't post before I planted ><

I didn't take a pic either ><

I'll post if it does survive though. Worst Thing that could happen is having to get another seed.



Active Member
i did the same thing, first soak it in a cup of water and then into some paper towels. some seeds ill crack in 24 h. and some might take up to three days, keep worm and in the dark.....


Active Member
Why do you think it's a dud? The seed cracked open and it moved out a little tiny bit just not super fast. We placed it in a pot and soil just about 5 minutes ago should sprout out right? I don't see why you think it's a dud....
you sould be fine, is it the only seed you got? i would recommend atleast three beans!
best of luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I Wouldnt Say Dud Because Wen i got my seed a couple were cracked ive jus started germing some yesterday and its swollen with a baby taproot..! dewey


Active Member
Na I just did that one alone because it's really HUGE. But we soaked like 6 or 7 more for 24 hours last night and just a few hours ago we placed it in the same paper towel and put it in a zip lock bag and placed it back on top of the cable box because its nice a warm. So we'll see how they do.

As far as the picture of the seed you guy see above, it still looked like that and we placed it in soil a few hours ago about 1/2 inch deep. We soaked the soil and let it drain first, then placed the seed in.

Should pop out right? When the seed is put in soil, and the little tiny white part is showing, does it automatically start using the soil and nutes thats in the soil to grow? Or is it just moisture.