Cracks in my wall of reality (integrating dreams as memories)


Well-Known Member
^^ Might be an exaggeration however...Ive been a poly-psychedelic user for a few years now, recently tried dmt within the last 6 months. (toke at least every day)----Sometimes (maybe once every two weeks) i randomly will feel "contstrained" and like i cant breath enough air/get air deep enough in my lungs. Always goes away within 2 or 3 minutes. Alot of times i feel high even if i havent smoked that day. -----**Most interesting and relevant to the post:Ive started having dreams that i cant distinguish from memories. The other day i swore i was remembering something when i realized my dad doesnt live in my state and the memory i had of him was with me at my house recently... I knew it was impossible yet i had been so sure and without doubt a moment before. Other dreams have been vividly real, not dream odd just like a normal day im dreaming of (partly what makes it hard to distinguish, would be easier if my dreams were crazy zombie dreams like normal (lol)).-----So now i wonder what memories are real and what are not. No grand delusions or schizophrenia just possible random dreams integrated as memories.Any of this happen to anyone else? I went to the doctor for a check up within the past 6 months as well. Did a blood/urine etc test and he said i was healthy as a horse so im not really worried just more curious.


Well-Known Member
NOthing out of the ordinary there, but then again, I'm probably the most nuts fucker I know.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Yes, I am as well. As my use and abuse as increased over the years, so has my access to lucid dreaming. Too often I find myself waking up confused, strange night of dreams can really screw with a person the next day.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. It happens to me alot. My ultra-real dreams can be either totally normal, or intensely different.


Active Member
^^ Might be an exaggeration however...Ive been a poly-psychedelic user for a few years now, recently tried dmt within the last 6 months. (toke at least every day)----Sometimes (maybe once every two weeks) i randomly will feel "contstrained" and like i cant breath enough air/get air deep enough in my lungs. Always goes away within 2 or 3 minutes. Alot of times i feel high even if i havent smoked that day. -----**Most interesting and relevant to the post:Ive started having dreams that i cant distinguish from memories. The other day i swore i was remembering something when i realized my dad doesnt live in my state and the memory i had of him was with me at my house recently... I knew it was impossible yet i had been so sure and without doubt a moment before. Other dreams have been vividly real, not dream odd just like a normal day im dreaming of (partly what makes it hard to distinguish, would be easier if my dreams were crazy zombie dreams like normal (lol)).-----So now i wonder what memories are real and what are not. No grand delusions or schizophrenia just possible random dreams integrated as memories.Any of this happen to anyone else? I went to the doctor for a check up within the past 6 months as well. Did a blood/urine etc test and he said i was healthy as a horse so im not really worried just more curious.
Ill share my experience with having my world split open.

I did quite a lot of experimenting in my youth the result left my reality cracked wide open. At first i was concerned as you are now but over time i became more accepting of my situation. Dreams and reality would shift back back and forth, trading places or even melding together to create an entirely new "reality." Several years later and quite a few more experiments I decided it was time to ease off a bit. This was after a night where i somehow consumed two eye droppers of acid. Needless to say.. I saw "god". At least thats what i called it. It was life changing. I am still different but I am glad that i am able to see the world differently. Since then my mind has been open to everything and I love it.

If you arent happy with what is happening to you then stop now. If you can handle the changes and see them as a positive thing you will go places you cant even imagine. even if they are in only in your own mind. Best of luck to you.

Be kind.


Well-Known Member
Lol love the responses, reminded me of walk hard... "Im so sober, he needs more drugs!" "Im tripping too hard, he needs less drugs" "Im tripping balls sober!, he needs more drugs and less drugs... theres nothing we can do for him". ------Mmmmm space jelly sounds good. --------Thanks for the repones exactly what i was looking for. I personally love that my perception is more errrr interesting than it was i think i handle my substances/amounts pretty responsably too, glad to hear other people have experienced this and doesnt seem to be a big issue. So i shall continue down the rabbit hole....(gotta catch up to some of you: damn 2 eyedroppers lol)------oh and sorry if this is all one block of text my browser is fubard and im about to reinstall :P


Well-Known Member
Grampa, I'm glad there is someone I can finaly relate too, I love the journey, I am so intrigued by it. My dreamworld is as real as this one, when I go to sleep I don't tend to have lots of odd random dreams, everything takes place in the same world, alsmost as a continium. I realy enjoy sleeping as I enjoy that life more than this one, it just tends to be a little more fun, more fun people around too.

Sometimes if my bladder is full in the morning, I'll dream of tits! :P


Well-Known Member
I remember two years ago. I hadn't smoked any mj for around 7 months at the time. I had a reality-dream. You can call it lucid dreaming. I just don't want to imply that I had any conscious control over the dream. I remember one important part of this dream was that I was "chilling" with these people, and we were smoking a blunt. The funny thing is that in the dream world during the dream, I actually felt myself getting high, and I could taste/smell the mj. Cool stuff.


Well-Known Member
I remember two years ago. I hadn't smoked any mj for around 7 months at the time. I had a reality-dream. You can call it lucid dreaming. I just don't want to imply that I had any conscious control over the dream. I remember one important part of this dream was that I was "chilling" with these people, and we were smoking a blunt. The funny thing is that in the dream world during the dream, I actually felt myself getting high, and I could taste/smell the mj. Cool stuff.
I stay away from addictive drugs (dont trust myself) so i have never touched yayo/coke however one time i VIVIDLY remember doing coke in my dream and feeling the effects(or whatever my mind made up).

Was pretty interesting. Another time i was about to do H but woke up :P
But yah smoking in your dreams is pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
I stay away from addictive drugs (dont trust myself) so i have never touched yayo/coke however one time i VIVIDLY remember doing coke in my dream and feeling the effects(or whatever my mind made up).

Was pretty interesting. Another time i was about to do H but woke up :P
But yah smoking in your dreams is pretty sweet.
The type of dreaming that we are currently replying on is the best. I love them all, good or bad. But like ANC. I also sometimes feel like I could just stay and live/exist in that alternate reality. But then I wake up and remember this reality and think. "Damn, what a let down". Not really depressed. Just a little disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Even something as elusive as hope, changes our perception of reality, we may not physicaly create it, but we create what we perceive it to be.


Well-Known Member
I hit some DMT in a dream a few nights ago and felt my brain go still except for a loud ass ringing sound, then came back into the same room in the dream. woke up later like wtf

i also ate some L in a dream one time in fear it would be found be enemies, and got high in the dream. funny thing is, the exeperience of the drug in the dream is never exactly like it is in waking reality