crazy-ass stoner fantasies

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I think I got everybody topped on crazy fantasies, sex-fantasies don't count. ok here's mine.

I wanna move to africa and fill up, like, 50 acres with plants, and sell it all around the world. then, once I make enough money, clear out a patch in the middle of the congo er whatever, and doing the same. and eventually have giant fields of pot on every continent and all the major countries.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice to have a huge estate with so much land you can have huge but controlled weed forests just to enjoy. Not like I could smoke a forests worth alone :D

SO much weed you can just use some beautiful purples and some tall crystal covered plants just as foliage
aahh yes.


Well-Known Member
Everyones crushed my fantasy.:cry:

I want my very own gumball machine loaded with the most potent, genetically engineered nuggets:mrgreen:

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I want to see pot fields when I open my front door, that go on as far as the eye can see. Ofcourse that means bulldozing several of my neighbor's houses, but hey it's my dream - knock those suckers down!... lol


Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
tokesalot, your idea isn't that crazy, but still way awesome. and widow women I don't really know how big 50 acres is, but I thought it'd be big enough for me to see nothin but my house and weed in any direction. oh yeah


Well-Known Member
Im dreaming of my own skatepark, golfcourse, amusement park & own lake :)

And ofcourse underground indoor growing ^^ like 50 footballs fields of diffrent types of weed !

all of em in one big hall.. ^^

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I wanted the island thing too, but then I realized that's waaaaaaaaay expensive, but I might buy an island after I full-fill my first dream.


Well-Known Member
I want my own island where the only law is that pot is an endangered species and everyone who lives there has to grow an acre of weed. hell yeah.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I just figured I'd get an island in international waters, then cover it in plants with a small house in the middle.