crazy setup??


Well-Known Member
First of all lemme jus say the drawings not accurate,I have used this setup a few times before with the same amount of plants but I didn’t bend them all,
I wanna try n bend them all so that more of the light n space r used to the full,I wana tie them in pairs, tie one plant to the base of the other plant n then do the same with the other plant.

there only 10days old at the moment and I have already put them into flowering(I know some of you may say this is too early but Iv had great results with it in the past)
With them bein this young do you think it would have the same results if I let them grow upright?? I don’t really think this is classed as sog or scrog cos im not limiting their height…….im just experimenting n havin fun.

The picture shows 5 plants,the one in the middle will be the runt (if I get one)im jus gunna see how they grow first,if the plants stay small enough il take one out of veg n put it in the middle otherwise there wil b jus 4…………
so basically I jus wana know if anyones got any thoughts,suggestions,ideas or anything…….:lol::bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie:lol::bigjoint::blsmoke:

happy smokin peeps

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
That looks like an interestin idea. Once you set them up you will not be able to move them. That is the only down side that I see.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do that, why not tie em down to their own pots ?

here let mommy put your pretty picture on the fridge darling !:hug:


Well-Known Member
why wouldnt you do that?i wana train them to grow horizontal so i can put the light as close as possible to the lower buds...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i tied mine to screws that were all over my grow box. but just like they said then you can't really move the pots... but if you can still water ur ok. doesn't really matter where you tie them down. good luck!