crazy weed n cops story youll never believe this


Active Member
so yesterday was my 20th birthday, and the weather has been pretty shitty up in in the CNY area. so i decided to pull some of my plants so they did mold. i pull the plants and go to my dads house to trim and hang them. me and my girlfriend are theyre about and hour and we hear footsteps outside. were just sitting in the living room with a huge pile of bud branches on the coffee table. so anyways my gf is like someone is outside, then she is like its a cop ( i didnt believe her bc shes always paranoid and stuff like that) well lone and behold a cop walks through the back door on the porch and into the porch looking into the kitchen and living room and says "hello". i didnt see who walked in so i say "dad!?" bc i figured it was just him getting home. nope i turn around scissors in hand and theyres a cop with his gun drawn telling me and my gf to freeze and put my hands up. so naturally i did, and he directs us twords him and walks us outa the house. i was wondering what was going on, my gf thought it was a drug bust. but i guess a couple of the neighbors thought someone was robbing my dads house because they seen my car back up to the back of the house and pop the trunk (weed in the trunk, no wonder why i looked suspicous). i have no clue how the cop didnt see the huge pille of untrimmed bud on the coffee table along with like 3-4 trimmed branches on the end table. but he took us outside, and once i explained who i was and i told him i was just checking on the house he said happy birthday and called off the 2 other state troopers and a K9 in case i ran through the woods. and left. i was sooo shocked and shooken up because i know it was prolly only 20 sec that he was in the kitchen but i dont get how he didnt notice the huge pile of weed on the table. but yea i guess someone was watching over me on my birthday, which is a good thing bc i had 7 fully budded plants in an upstairs bedroom also. and i had to go to dinner in 45min or so. that would of gone over good with the rest of my family LOL.:leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
haha fucking intense man. You're lucky you got a break that and they didn't see your cut up plants and start asking questions. Damn.


Active Member
yea i know i was amazed, the only questions he asked was who is was , what i was doing theyre, and if theyre was anyone else in the house. and what i dont understand is that same cop is a local cop from my town and he is known for busting people with drugs. just last jan he busted a 100 plants indoor grow op right down the road from my house, and then he busted a cocaine dealer with a bunch of money drugs and guns at 4am. so i dont get it but i guess luck just happend to be on my side on my b-day. you dont think that he might of seen it but realized he didnt have a warrent to be in the house and search and seizer and went to go get one based upon what he saw, and be back in a few days with a whole shlew of cops? because that would suck


Well-Known Member
hah damn that is awesome lucky, dude. great job at keepin your cool. great story!


Well-Known Member
I have a story almost as good, when i lived at my moms she knew i smoked but couldn't in the house so I would just ride down the street and back. on day i pulled out the drive way and lit up, i got two blocks down the street and seen blue lights behind me,, needless to say i freaked.. still a pretty large splif i decided to eat it. the cop comes up to the car and give me an excuse for pulling my, I know it smells in my car.. but piggy didn't say anything, not to mention i was talking to him with a joint IN my mouth cause it was an oinker and i couldn't get it down. How he didn't see the weed in my teeth or smell the bud was a blessing seeing how i was on probation for 5 other felonies.. i went home shaking, rolled up and smoked in the shed....fuck the cops:finger: