Creationists Are Dumb.


Well-Known Member
well put, people need to stay the effe out of other people's personal beliefs and know one should be faulted for what they believe in.
even if it is a fairytale.
And what happens when those groups decide everyone should believe the same thing? WAR!!

As far as I know almost every war from the beginning of time was because of religious beliefs gone too far.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Their are things on this earth that we still know nothing about.
We battle and fight on OUR land. OUR planet.
What if a UFO came and landed on North America and we went to war?
Will china defend themselves, and stay on their land?
Or will we all come together to defeat the threat placed on our land.
Will then every single religion be canceled out?
And we all are one?
Or since the UFO's landed everyone's view changes and more argueing comes.
Point is, to really be honest.. the government is bad, and their lieng to us.
Were stuck on our religions but we give no credit to the people we know nothing about.
For example, Mayans, Aztecs.. we claim to know them..
but the truth is we know nothing about them..
and we never will.
Who here has seen Water World with Kevin Costner?
if you seen that movie you will know my point of view with the mayans.
what if in the near future we lose track of time, and we find a Car Calander..
we'll try to match it up, and then say that. December 31st is the end of the world.
We have 12 months to live, cause that is what we found.
And those picture of cars are Alien machines.
What we really can just do is all come together, and instead of the world racing to invent and discover...
We can all group up and every single person on the world makes one giant leap.
I do not hate anyone, nor do I ever want to bring negativity.
I do not believe in any religion, for I love the mayans and there art of life.
People talk of world peace..
not bringing negativty, but the complexity of the human body.. does not allow for peace..
I do not believe your version of god, but i believe theirs somethings else..
i do beleieve there could have been a jesus, and maybe their is something.
he only chose to show one human, which was jesus. and we denied his idea.
Killed him.. took his life..
but think of it..
Even the police killed jesus..
the back in the day police.. aka the government.
Their going the wrong path..
which will lead to our doom because their incharge of us..

we all need to work together like the cells work together in our body to have ONE amazing thing!
Were cells in a human body, we work together, and the human body is amazing and perfect.

High talk, but right talk.
Marijuana 'Could' solve our problem,
but then again marjiuana just makes our days easier :)

Respect to get Respected.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What's so crazy about believing in a Prime Creator(God)? I can't see radio waves, cell phone signals, or air but I know it's there.
It's perfectly reasonable to believe in radio waves, cell phone signals, or air, because even though you can't see those things directly with your naked eye we use devices that can detect things outside of the spectrum your eyeball is limited to. There is no instrument that can detect god or any supreme creator. THAT is what is so crazy about believing in it.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I am an atheist, but I don't call people that believe different things than I idiots, whether they are wrong or right, they shouldn't be chastised for they're beliefs, just for the fact that they spew it all out there and try to convert people to believe in what they believe rather than just believe and live. like the Anchorage Baptist Temple here in town has a Sunday school program where they give kids giant candy bars for bringing they're friends. or going door to door being annoying, your really just as bad as them, why can't you just not believe in god and let the "idiots" just be themselves? your not winning any hearts and minds here, your just reminding everyone about the tension and hostilities differentiating views on religion can cause. the sooner we all learn to just stfu and accept each other and be happy with ourselves then the sooner images like your avatar can be wiped from this earth, and we can get to doing what we should be doing and that is expanding human presence into the cosmos.
Idiot: An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The synonymous terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/ an ignorant), neither of which refer to someone with low intelligence.

I don't believe someone should be chastised for a belief that was based on sound reasoning or on personal preference, or doesn't affect other people. Creationists don't fall into this category and should be chastised like the retards they are.


Well-Known Member
It's not your place to tell someone what they believe is wrong.

What if that belief has detrimental affects on society?

If they ask for your opinion then I say give it.

You know as well as I do it's never an "opinion" with any religious person. It's always "the truth".

If you go up to random strangers and tell them they're idiots for believing what they do. I think you are the idiot and need some serious help. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't think that gives the right to down someones belief because you feel you are right.

I would do the same thing with Holocaust deniers, flat Earther's, people who think Dinosaurs are dragons from the middle ages, Scientologists, etc.

And I don't go up to random strangers and harass them for their beliefs. If a random stranger starts spouting off incorrect information as "the truth" anywhere I'll say something about it if I know it to be false.

Religion shouldn't be immune to criticism.

You should never let someones belief or lack of one frustrate, aggravate or upset you. That's just wasted energy because at the end of they day, they don't matter. It's your life.

Yeah, I try to tell myself the same thing all the time, but the reality of it is that it does actually affect me and the way I live, or the way I'd like to live. More importantly, it affects so many other people around the world in incredibly terrible ways.

I can't just ignore it all and sit content, no matter how much I'd like to. Even if all it is is expressing opinions on a website.

mistaphuck hit it right on the head. Nothing gives you the right to tell someone what they believe is wrong and they're an idiot.

I'm sorry but that way of thinking is what got us here in the first place. I don't agree with you. How bout the millions of dead bodies the influence of organized religion has left in it's wake?

If someone holds a belief that harms other people in any way, even if that belief is right it's our responsibility to step in and stop it. These beliefs harm people and nobody can even answer if it's right or wrong. You say let it continue because it's their belief, I say stop it because it doesn't matter, humanity is more important.

People have a right to their beliefs up until the point where they harm another individual, organized religion on this planet has gone well beyond that point.

When you do, you're no better than those super religious nutjobs that protest homosexual funerals and claim "God hates fags"

Well the way I see it is like this;

It's much better to embarrass or humiliate a person, which isn't even the intention in the first place, more like an inevitable result of the scenario that plays out, than to KILL them, wouldn't you agree?

Why should a person even feel like that anyway? I'm not really understanding that part...

For example, I believe in evolution - OK, so some religious person comes along and calls me an "idiot" for believing in it... OK, awesome! I don't feel humiliated. I'm not embarrassed...

But with religious people - They believe in God, I tell them they're an idiot - and they feel oppressed, ostracized, insulted, ROFL!!!!!

Don't hold the goddamn belief if you don't have the brass to support it. And don't be too scared to discard retarded beliefs if someone calls you for the bullshit you believe!


Well-Known Member
As much as I agree with this, some people do take religion too far and need to be stopped.

A couple near me recently let there 11 year old girl die a horrible death from diabetes and no one did anything to stop it because they were using prayer for healing.

Do you think the 11 year old wanted to die?
That is a very touchy subject. But I would have to side with you and say it's the family's fault for not taking her to the doctor... That's pretty fucked up. However, there are religious extremists no matter what religion you decide to hate against.


Well-Known Member
It's not your place to tell someone what they believe is wrong.

What if that belief has detrimental affects on society?

If they ask for your opinion then I say give it.

You know as well as I do it's never an "opinion" with any religious person. It's always "the truth".

If you go up to random strangers and tell them they're idiots for believing what they do. I think you are the idiot and need some serious help. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't think that gives the right to down someones belief because you feel you are right.

I would do the same thing with Holocaust deniers, flat Earther's, people who think Dinosaurs are dragons from the middle ages, Scientologists, etc.

And I don't go up to random strangers and harass them for their beliefs. If a random stranger starts spouting off incorrect information as "the truth" anywhere I'll say something about it if I know it to be false.

Religion shouldn't be immune to criticism.

You should never let someones belief or lack of one frustrate, aggravate or upset you. That's just wasted energy because at the end of they day, they don't matter. It's your life.

Yeah, I try to tell myself the same thing all the time, but the reality of it is that it does actually affect me and the way I live, or the way I'd like to live. More importantly, it affects so many other people around the world in incredibly terrible ways.

I can't just ignore it all and sit content, no matter how much I'd like to. Even if all it is is expressing opinions on a website.

mistaphuck hit it right on the head. Nothing gives you the right to tell someone what they believe is wrong and they're an idiot.

I'm sorry but that way of thinking is what got us here in the first place. I don't agree with you. How bout the millions of dead bodies the influence of organized religion has left in it's wake?

If someone holds a belief that harms other people in any way, even if that belief is right it's our responsibility to step in and stop it. These beliefs harm people and nobody can even answer if it's right or wrong. You say let it continue because it's their belief, I say stop it because it doesn't matter, humanity is more important.

People have a right to their beliefs up until the point where they harm another individual, organized religion on this planet has gone well beyond that point.

When you do, you're no better than those super religious nutjobs that protest homosexual funerals and claim "God hates fags"

Well the way I see it is like this;

It's much better to embarrass or humiliate a person, which isn't even the intention in the first place, more like an inevitable result of the scenario that plays out, than to KILL them, wouldn't you agree?

Why should a person even feel like that anyway? I'm not really understanding that part...

For example, I believe in evolution - OK, so some religious person comes along and calls me an "idiot" for believing in it... OK, awesome! I don't feel humiliated. I'm not embarrassed...

But with religious people - They believe in God, I tell them they're an idiot - and they feel oppressed, ostracized, insulted, ROFL!!!!!

Don't hold the goddamn belief if you don't have the brass to support it. And don't be too scared to discard retarded beliefs if someone calls you for the bullshit you believe!
Fair enough.. I honestly wouldn't go about your approach because I think it really doesn't solve anything, but that's me and you're you. I have my opinions about athiests but I wouldn't dare tell them how I felt unless they asked me. I guess I have that much respect for my fellow human.

As far as a religious person calling you an idiot for being an atheist, It goes both ways. They shouldn't and neither should you. You are right about the whole "You know as well as I do it's never an "opinion" with any religious person. It's always "the truth"." Yea, I'm not personally like that, but I would say the vast majority are so it makes the sensible minority look bad.

I would never go around telling people what I believe is fact and all else is bullshit. That's not right. I don't think people, as human beings should do that, no matter what they choose to believe or not. That's a huge problem with society now days, everyone thinks they're right about everything. No one is willing to live in the gray, or mutually agree to disagree and leave it at that. It's always, "you're wrong I'm right" Very destructive behavior and it is one of many problems in this world today.


Well-Known Member
It's much better to embarrass or humiliate a person, which isn't even the intention in the first place, more like an inevitable result of the scenario that plays out, than to KILL them, wouldn't you agree?

why are these your only two options? that is really sad, and the reason we are where we are as a people...



Active Member
It's not your place to tell someone what they believe is wrong.

What if that belief has detrimental affects on society?

If they ask for your opinion then I say give it.

You know as well as I do it's never an "opinion" with any religious person. It's always "the truth".

If you go up to random strangers and tell them they're idiots for believing what they do. I think you are the idiot and need some serious help. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't think that gives the right to down someones belief because you feel you are right.

I would do the same thing with Holocaust deniers, flat Earther's, people who think Dinosaurs are dragons from the middle ages, Scientologists, etc.

And I don't go up to random strangers and harass them for their beliefs. If a random stranger starts spouting off incorrect information as "the truth" anywhere I'll say something about it if I know it to be false.

Religion shouldn't be immune to criticism.

You should never let someones belief or lack of one frustrate, aggravate or upset you. That's just wasted energy because at the end of they day, they don't matter. It's your life.

Yeah, I try to tell myself the same thing all the time, but the reality of it is that it does actually affect me and the way I live, or the way I'd like to live. More importantly, it affects so many other people around the world in incredibly terrible ways.

I can't just ignore it all and sit content, no matter how much I'd like to. Even if all it is is expressing opinions on a website.

mistaphuck hit it right on the head. Nothing gives you the right to tell someone what they believe is wrong and they're an idiot.

I'm sorry but that way of thinking is what got us here in the first place. I don't agree with you. How bout the millions of dead bodies the influence of organized religion has left in it's wake?

If someone holds a belief that harms other people in any way, even if that belief is right it's our responsibility to step in and stop it. These beliefs harm people and nobody can even answer if it's right or wrong. You say let it continue because it's their belief, I say stop it because it doesn't matter, humanity is more important.

People have a right to their beliefs up until the point where they harm another individual, organized religion on this planet has gone well beyond that point.

When you do, you're no better than those super religious nutjobs that protest homosexual funerals and claim "God hates fags"

Well the way I see it is like this;

It's much better to embarrass or humiliate a person, which isn't even the intention in the first place, more like an inevitable result of the scenario that plays out, than to KILL them, wouldn't you agree?

Why should a person even feel like that anyway? I'm not really understanding that part...

For example, I believe in evolution - OK, so some religious person comes along and calls me an "idiot" for believing in it... OK, awesome! I don't feel humiliated. I'm not embarrassed...

But with religious people - They believe in God, I tell them they're an idiot - and they feel oppressed, ostracized, insulted, ROFL!!!!!

Don't hold the goddamn belief if you don't have the brass to support it. And don't be too scared to discard retarded beliefs if someone calls you for the bullshit you believe!

You are by far the biggest fanatic on here. How have I or what I believe harmed anyone. Am I out attacking people? Am I promoting murders and death. Those are acts of people using religion for there own personal gain. If they did not do it in the name of religion than they would have found some other social means to motivate people to war. Let me guess every war was based on religion. Vietnam was not a war based on religion. We did not fight the Japanese because of religion. The Korean war was not due to religion. People want to conquer other people and thats the way it has always been. Your attempt to characterize all religious people as war mongers is pathetic. You can not blame all of the worlds problems on religion. Grow up and quit blame shifting all of your life problems onto religion.


Well-Known Member
*moonwalks through naked...refusing to take place in this continuing multi-thread internet cock fight*

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
*moonwalks through naked...refusing to take place in this continuing multi-thread internet cock fight*
Thats the fucking spirit.
But alot of people here are wise,
and making perfect sense.
Instead of just walking through and ignoring,
you should read the wise words of some.
As I say...SOME..
Knowledge is power mate..
no negativity..
just helping.

-Nice Ol' Bud


Well-Known Member
Thats the fucking spirit.
But alot of people here are wise,
and making perfect sense.
Instead of just walking through and ignoring,
you should read the wise words of some.
As I say...SOME..
Knowledge is power mate..
no negativity..
just helping.

-Nice Ol' Bud
just been down this road..with the same group of people..saying pretty much the same shit over and over again on numerous reading it again...not really needed.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Its really sad to see some of you expend so much energy trying to denigrate others for their beliefs.
I can't think of the last time I saw a thread that said "If you don't believe in God you're an Idiot", but there seems to be a plethora of this type of negativity.
How about smoking a J & see what we have in common instead of trying to find fault in others.


Well-Known Member
but i do agree with you...some very wise and intelligent people here....just wish some used that knowledge in a better way.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough.. I honestly wouldn't go about your approach because I think it really doesn't solve anything, but that's me and you're you. I have my opinions about athiests but I wouldn't dare tell them how I felt unless they asked me. I guess I have that much respect for my fellow human.

I completely agree. The approach I've reverted to at this point doesn't solve anything. Like I said before, I don't know if you really realize how frustrating it all can be sometimes. Take for instance this thread, I'm sitting here asking questions, some are just general, some are directed at specific people, but none of them get answered, people just seem to sidestep the points I make and the questions I ask and attack the way I go about making those points... I agree, I'm not the most civil person on RIU, I can be an asshole at times, just like anyone, but it's never a personal thing, ever. I'm just trying to figure out why people believe the things they do, because those beliefs shape the society we live in, and in my opinion, a lot of the time, it's for the worse.

The questions I ask I'm looking for answers to. Try your best to answer them.

1. Does a person have a "right" to a belief that harms, or has the potential to harm, society at large?

2. Do you see anything wrong with a person believing something to be true that you know to be false?

3. How do you feel about atheists? Why?

As far as a religious person calling you an idiot for being an atheist, It goes both ways. They shouldn't and neither should you.

Well, to be clear, I'm not calling a person an idiot for being religious. I'm calling them an idiot for believing in idiotic claims that couldn't possibly be true in the reality we occupy. Young Earth creationism, Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, all that stuff, and for denying the stuff that is clearly true, like plate tectonics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.

I would never go around telling people what I believe is fact and all else is bullshit. That's not right.

Lol, neither would I, you're right. Beliefs (in this context) are opinions, facts aren't.

why are these your only two options? that is really sad, and the reason we are where we are as a people...

Like I said, the intention isn't to embarrass or humiliate someone, it's an inevitable consequence of what happens when their core beliefs get questioned. I mentioned how I don't understand this, I gave an example too. I believe in evolution, but if someone called me an idiot for believing in it, I wouldn't at all feel embarrassed or humiliated for it, maybe for them for not believing it, but I feel there is sufficient evidence to support the theory of evolution to justify my belief. Is this not the same for religious people? How is my questioning of religion, which is all I ever do, a threat to another persons belief? Do you ever wonder perhaps this is why there are religious laws against things like blasphemy and apostasy - similar to today's gangs "blood in blood out" stance on leaving a gang.

You are by far the biggest fanatic on here.

How am I a fanatic? What do I worship? Explain that to me.

How have I or what I believe harmed anyone.

I don't know. I don't know everything you might or might not believe that might or might not have harmed someone...

If they did not do it in the name of religion than they would have found some other social means to motivate people to war. Let me guess every war was based on religion. Vietnam was not a war based on religion. We did not fight the Japanese because of religion. The Korean war was not due to religion. People want to conquer other people and thats the way it has always been. Your attempt to characterize all religious people as war mongers is pathetic. You can not blame all of the worlds problems on religion. Grow up and quit blame shifting all of your life problems onto religion.

I'm going to come back to this part later, I have a bit for you to read, but it's in a book at my exgf's house right now.


Global Moderator
Staff member


New Member
Have you not noticed that the OP has not said anything other than the OP?

He is quite the confused individual as he kicked this off then in another thread he spouts off about Allah and Jihad.....

And like I told him in that one, I'll tell him again...


oh go blow yourself up....lalalalalalalalala BOOM!
