Credit Cards & Buying Seeds...


Well-Known Member
Had one of those when I went to the 'Dam two years ago....worst decision of my life! That card sucks!! Never use them, but thanks Bro.!!


Well-Known Member
It was horrendous! Qua-Triple your name check on every CANNOT seems to get them to be approved for your purchases, and I took this bith to Amsterdam??? Never yourself a favor and do not buy one Bro. You will regret it.


Well-Known Member
It was horrendous! Qua-Triple your name check on every CANNOT seems to get them to be approved for your purchases, and I took this bith to Amsterdam??? Never yourself a favor and do not buy one Bro. You will regret it.
Well thanx for the heads up.:blsmoke: I planned on using one to order seeds.


Well-Known Member
I emailed Dr. Chronic about seed purchases using just a FORM that they have on their web site. Seems OK, but a very long process, that's why my question.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
It was horrendous! Qua-Triple your name check on every CANNOT seems to get them to be approved for your purchases, and I took this bith to Amsterdam??? Never yourself a favor and do not buy one Bro. You will regret it.

That's odd, cause I use them all the time in the States and here in Canada. Maybe they are no good when you go abroard. That, I don't know.

I certainly wouldn't have taken something on a trip that I hadn't used before though. Stick with Travelers Checques when traveling - you lose them, they get stolen, no matter - you get replacements within hours.

But the 'throw away' credit cards are great for buying hydro supplies and seeds; cause they don't leave a paper trail and the companies that you are buying from don't know the difference - to them it's just another VISA or MasterCard.

I'm just saying...


Well-Known Member
It was horrendous! Qua-Triple your name check on every CANNOT seems to get them to be approved for your purchases, and I took this bith to Amsterdam??? Never yourself a favor and do not buy one Bro. You will regret it.

that is odd. i've bought 10 prepaid cc/gc and had no problem. ordered 10 times, recieved 10 times

maybe you just didnt read. you do know some are only allowed in the US and some are international.

reading is fundamental