Creepy Bugs in Soil? Help!


Hello there,
so i have a one week old seedling still small, and these fucked up bugs, flies? i have no idea is inside the soil creepin out inside outside not alot but what is it?.
what should i do? and how do i get rid of this?:-?



fuckkking bugssss!! lol no i saw it, its not green, its like black looking looks like a creepy black bug with wings and goes fast inside and out of the soil! fuck my life uuhhhhhhh


Active Member
fungus gnats? they lay their eggs in the soil and they're larva will eat your plants roots. usually happens when people keep their soil too wet.


fuck my life bro, yeah i read in one of the threads bloddy hell, im changing to jiffy tomorrow fuck my life lol thanks dude


Active Member
fungus gnats? they lay their eggs in the soil and they're larva will eat your plants roots. usually happens when people keep their soil too wet.
I was going to say same thing.. you could try a transplant with a new batch of potting mix. Good luck let us know how it works out for ya.