Crispy buds high RH inside jar.


Well-Known Member
Like the title says my buds feel pretty dry. Not to the point to where they're breaking, but pretty crispy.

The jar is reading 72% rh as it has been for the past two days. The room rh is like 60, or 56. If it's not 56 it will get down to that I've got the window AC running, and it's really cool in the room.

The Rh gets up into the 80's at night, so I lay them out at night so the RH wont be high in the jar. Now I know the buds should be ready to jar, but I'm scared to jar them. Last year my bud molded.

Whenever they rehydrate will the RH go down, or what? It's really confusing me...


Well-Known Member
I think its really up to you on how dry of moist you want your bud i think its all preference.
lol yea i dont think he preferes mold. what i do man is i wait till the stems make a crack and you can pinch the bud and feel how much its dryed out. just bend a stem if it cracks it should be good to jar i dry mine out for 6 day then the steam usalay snaps. dont let it get to dry though makes relly harsh smoke.


Well-Known Member
No just put them in the jar and in afew hours the water in the stems will wick into the buds making them nice again. If stems are already dry as well put a few wet clean tissues in a cup that can be put in the middle of buds, they can draw this moisture in. Dont worry if they are crispy i dont think they will mold unless they got crispy too quick, 3-4 day sfor eg and then stored in bag for long period with wet stems, mold begins from the stem..


Well-Known Member
No just put them in the jar and in afew hours the water in the stems will wick into the buds making them nice again. If stems are already dry as well put a few wet clean tissues in a cup that can be put in the middle of buds, they can draw this moisture in. Dont worry if they are crispy i dont think they will mold unless they got crispy too quick, 3-4 day sfor eg and then stored in bag for long period with wet stems, mold begins from the stem..

I'm not worried as much about the crispiness as I am about mold. I don't want mold! The max RH it will get inside the jar is 75. I took the four main colas out (a little taller than a cigarette lighter, and twice as thick.) and took the main colas off the stems. I ran to the store, and when I got back the RH was at 72%. If it makes a difference it's a plastic container a big coffee mate creamer container.

The RH has been staying at the exact same inside the jar each time I checked it the past three days. It has been in a room with TONS of airflow with the RH at 56. I don't know why the RH inside the jars isn't reading lower. From the perfect cure everytime tutorial the RH should be at like 65, or 60 when I can jar. It has stuck at 70 or above for the past three days. I'm just so scared to keep them in the jar ugh. A joint burns perfectly.

I tried to snap the main cola stems after I cut the bud off, and the only place they snap is at the very end where it was cut off the stalk.

Also another factor in this shit is the RH at night goes up to 85, so I have to lay them out. Also for the first three days of drying I left all the buds on the stalk, and hung it at the base of the plant itself. Then it got three days of drying in the room with ac of 56 humidity. I think the leaving it on the stalk is why the stems aren't snapping, and why the humidity is so high in the jar, and then the next three days of ac room drying it dried to fast leaving the outsides crispy? However the humidity inside the jar still scares me. The buds feel sticky yet dry. Bah. I need more suggestions.

So I'm guessing I should jar just make sure I burp it often??

Edit update: I had for tops, and I cut the buds off the tops, and now it's reading 69% humidity. Much much better I'm going with that jarring, and curing.