Critical #47 seedling (day8)

thanks for all the advic guys!
tripp i think your right... my ph kept rising in C#47's bucket... almost every 2-3 hours. its stable now. but i think that was a sign it needed more nutes?
ironically the burns happened right when the ph jumped from 5.5 to 6.0. :O

i just got off of work, on the way i picked up some RO water (no biggie)
now i decided i wanted to feed this baby.
i just dont know which nutes to use... i have earth juice sugar peak veg & catalyst..
or should i just hold off and go with the cal/mag? (The plant is only nine days old, i dnt want to go to heavy)
thanks in advance.
i did keep it out of the pot, until i saw a tap root growing. their were 2 of them to be exact.
now it just seems like they are never going to come out... or maybe they have rotted away.. idk but they arent showing, so should i even be feeding?
alright just got done changing the res & giving it a light feeding of 1tsp per gallon of earth juice sugar peak "veg". (4gallons total)
giving me a ppm of 26. finally adjusted ph to 5.6.
i guess now to wait and see how she likes it.
... hopefully all goes well. feeling sketched out.

before i changed the res, i dumped out the hydroton from the pot to see what was going on with the roots... OMG there were so many.. i suppose the root growth is just slow? i just figured they would have popped the bottom of the pot by now day9-10) should have to a picture..
but they looked healthy & white. so no worries there.