Critical jack.. is this the beginning signs of nutrient burn or Calcium def.


No chance of cal mag deficiency ya say?
Even with the brown spots forming in random areas of the fan leaves. Not second guessing you at all just wanna clarify.. would this happen when not enough calcium is given??


Well-Known Member
In that pic I dont see anything to worry about. What are you using to feed? How much? Maybe water with plain water for a week and see if problem persists.


The only yellow on her is the first set of leaves at very bottom. Which is normal.
I'm using the Peruvian Gold nute line. I have only fed twice. @ 2Tbls micro builder 2 Tbls liquid coal and 2 tbls bloom rush.. the line is organic and the penis very low (under 100)


Well-Known Member
lol at autocorrect. I honestly don't think you have much to worry about. You do have some very dark leaf stems, adding some Epson salts or Cal/mag may help that out. I like to keep my penis over 9000 but that's just me :)


Well-Known Member
I think it looks great wouldn't go adding things that aren't absolutely necessary imo. Just back off nutes a tad bit. That's all at this point!


Well-Known Member
Dude she looks good! That one yellowing leaf towards the base is nothing to worry about. At the stage your plant is at now, that is normal. She is using extre Nitrogen from lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
i think your worrying too much. looks like slight nute burn. i know when im on the right track when i just get slight burn on the tip.

if you want to head off cal/mag just make sure you go ahead and add more lime topdress it and water it in and it should get you through the rest of your grow since your flowering already. usually 2-3 weeks into flower you will notice mag deficiencies cus they seem to start taking alot more in from what i have noticed. but as long as you have ammended with lime you shouldnt have to worry about it due to it buffering and having it in it.


Well-Known Member
Then feed less. Smaller amounts and less frequently. My plants in soil are 9 weeks old and only fed with nutes 2 times the rest plain water. Perfectly healthy and no signs of any burn out deficiencies. Less really is more in soil.


Thank you ALL for your input!!!!!! Regular water for the next watering.... Have You had any experience with soiless mixes?? What should the ph of the mix be??


Well-Known Member
what kind of soiless mix? because sunshine #4 actually has lime in it i think? but anything without nutritional value i would think it would be treated like hydro 5.8-6.2