Critical+ or Critical Mass mold problems?


Active Member

I will be doing Critical+ in single cola SOG. I've read that big buds ale subject to mold because of micro-climate which is created inside super dense buds. Is it possible to avoid this situation, with low humidity in the room? I preffer bigger buds so i don't want to top my plant.



Well-Known Member
Don't take this the wrong way, I used to think like you, but after 11 years of growing, I've come to the conclusion that big buds are actually a meaningless ego thing. Smaller buds in larger amounts are just as potent and present way less problems than a giant single cola mass of warm, moist plant tissue. And I'm positive yield is better. In fact after awhile, I couldn't think of a single benefit that one large cola held over a more pluralized harvest.

Is critical mass known as a giant yielder and/or bud maker


Active Member
Thanks for the answer.

The point is that I wanted to do perpetual harverst (like Al's in this topic from clones with no veg at all. Honestly I don't need big buds it could be more of smaller ones. The thing what I need is to harvest perpetually with the least possible amount of work in OP overall space of 8x9 feet. I am not the most experienced grower but I believe that topping in blooming won't put plants well, will it?.

Will 40% humidity and powerfull exhaust do the job or sulfur vap will be necessary?

Any suggestion, ideas of ​​a solution?

Thanks guys