Cruel World

Smoke Friend

Active Member
Any one else feel like this western society is getting more and more destructive? Just watched the news about the killing in Libya and the FN president talking about its a war crime killing innocent people while they are in Afghanistan mass killing.

The world produces enough food for everyone but people still die from hunger and thirst every day.

The worlds richest man comes from Mexico where people are so poor they cant get enough food or even get a job.

the west uses ~ 80% of the worlds medicine while where its really needed people are to poor to get proper medicine.

The meaning of Darwinism i raciest and only by war can people evolve.

Democracy means one slave class and one ruler class.

Fuck this society and its leaders to hell. Sigh, need to blaze up, feel so sad thinking about what this world is coming to.​


Active Member
Our species is prone to rediculous acts of evil as well as good...we started going astray when we started making classes and created money, to begin with. theres nothing thats going to stop the human species but ourselves. most parasites propagate until its host dies anyways.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i been saying this for years now...and coming from a military family its a lil more realistic. things have gone to far in the world now and we gotta pay the piper.

Smoke Friend

Active Member
Our species is prone to rediculous acts of evil as well as good...we started going astray when we started making classes and created money, to begin with. theres nothing thats going to stop the human species but ourselves. most parasites propagate until its host dies anyways.
One word, the Greeks and there evil system.


Well-Known Member
wtf are you talking about?

have you ever read history? (besides the stupid one in schools)

the world is better than effin ever.

people used to be skinned alive for next to nothing, tortured to death just for fun.
burned alive for being a witch (messing with herbs...LIKE you are doing)

if you think its horrible today and getting worse, you know NOTHING about our past.

if the atombomb would have been invented in the 1600´s (impossibility actually, we were too dumb)
we would have been smoking ruins by now.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean?

even what you would call a 'caveman' was just as intelligent as a current human
i don't understand.

you don't even know what a fire piston is...D:


Well-Known Member
yes, but a current human would be far wiser.

its not the brains you have, its how you actually use them.

btw, when i say the world is far better today,well, it still pretty much sucks, just not as much.


Well-Known Member
well, the injuns fought and had wars too.

lived in tents and got killed by things such as infected teeth. (slowly and painfully)

besides, look at any primitive civilazation today.

first glance at a tv and or modern comforts, they go

fuck yeah!

(and then peddle their ass or enslave themselves to corporations to have one)

injuns? oh pretty happy today peddling their divine past and its blissfulness and so much betterness.

yet quite many of them run casinos.

and im sure their ancestors would have jumped at the chance of having a toilet and running water.

instead of shitting in the woods using leaves for their ass (not too mention carrying heavy loads of water long ways every day(unless they were lucky enough to be the strongest tribe (getting the best land))

some of them lived in high caves (for protection from other injuns) and even that was not enough to avoid them extinction (by arrows and stoneclubs))

idyllic indeed


Well-Known Member
we should look to the future instead of the past, sure many things to learn from the past, but mostly what not to do...


Well-Known Member
all i need are a few dozen genetically altered mangrove (and assorted beatifically bacteria/fungi) to raft around the oceans so i can pump up the oxygen until i can hit a maple tree with a baseball bat and have it explode...say maybe about 2 or 300 years aught to do it.....

or really tiny elephants....either one would pretty much keep me happy i think


Well-Known Member
Aww, it's a such a cruel, cruel world... bullshit... go back 2200 years, THAT was a cruel world!

I really do wish they had kept gladiators around, I could only imagine the excitement...

I could image a modern-day equivalent like the Death Race movie, who wouldn't want to see that?!

or really tiny elephants....
I've fallen for the tiny Giraffe's seen here in the US on DirectTV commercials... my god they're so damn adorable.

Little giraffe smooches... make a grown man get all giddy. :bigjoint: