Crystal like particles in soil??m

So I just cam to check my plants and I noticed that there is like crystals in the soil. Like if someone mixed salt with the soil it wasn't there yesterday I been vegin for almost 2months and im using miracle grow organic soil.. sorry cant upload pics. What can it be any advice would help thanks.


Active Member
are you in a hard water area? or have you been using water from the kettle? these are calcium and salt build up, quite common in hard water areas.
Not really... Not really sure?? I been using the same water for like two years now wich is fitered.. The ppm is at 3.0. Will high heat cause this??


Active Member
its probably silica. its a common mineral found in dirt, and in rocks like granite. if you've ever found a normal looking rock, held it up to the light and noticed shiny flakes in it, thats the stuff im talking about. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
its probably silica. its a common mineral found in dirt, and in rocks like granite. if you've ever found a normal looking rock, held it up to the light and noticed shiny flakes in it, thats the stuff im talking about. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
So this silica just forms on its own??


Active Member
Yeah, its found naturally throughout the whole planet lol

any pics? it'll probably be hard to do but it would help