cultivar or cultigen?


Well-Known Member
just knockin some ideas around the ol noggin and I kinda had to think about it a second, is cannabis a cultivar or a cultigen? or should it just be called a variety with seperate forms?
Id love to hear some feedback from you closet scientists and canni nerds out there. ;)


Well-Known Member
(Both are confusingly similar, tho some would say cannabis sativa/indica would fall under "cultigen".. )

The terms cultigen and cultivar may be confused with each other. A cultigen is any plant deliberately altered or selected for cultivation by humans. Only a cultigen which is recognisable and stable can be accepted as a cultivar. In technical terms, cultivar denotes either a rank in a cultigen classification scheme, or a cultigen taxon.[14] Cultigens include plants with cultivar names and also those with names in the classification categories of grex and group. The Cultivated Plant Code states that cultigens are "deliberately selected plants that may have arisen by intentional or accidental hybridization in cultivation, by selection from existing cultivated stocks, or from variants within wild populations that are maintained as recognisable entities solely by continued propagation".[15] Included within the category of plants known as cultigens are genetically modified plants, plants with binomial Latin names that are the result of ancient human selection, and plants that have been altered by humans but which have not been given formal names.[16] Nevertheless, almost all cultigens are cultivars.[17] cultivar or a cultigen&source=bl&ots=EEczLF_7yY&sig=L9f12UbBA8iZyQ_l6zFGva_QnAA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Fm12VanaD5fjoATEqoO4DQ&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=cannabis cultivar or a cultigen&f=false

("Cultivars form a major part of Liberty Hyde Bailey's broader grouping, the cultigen,[1] defined as a plant whose origin or selection is primarily due to intentional human activity")

this is also a good read concerning your question,

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