Cure box


Active Member
Wanting to build a cure box. Ideal temps and humidity ? Any ideas of what worked what didnt. Thinking of buying a cheap grow tent and going from there. Suggestions would be nice


Well-Known Member
I've been drying my freshly trimmed buds in doubled paper bags as an experiment and it's working pretty good. My basement is cool at around 65F and now that it's summer the RH is over 70 in there and it takes around 7 - 10 days to be dry enough to put in jars and start burping. Still pretty moist so need to be taken out and air dried for an hour or so the first few days.

As the moist pot still forms a big clump for a while I use tobacco cans to burp with as they have smooth walls and the whole mass of buds just slides out into a pan and can gently be broken up rather than having to poke them out like you have to with mason jars. Tupperware containers and the like will work good instead of tobacco cans too but I have a lot of those so I use them.

Some people slo-dry fresh buds in the fridge in open jars to keep the terpenes from evaporating like they do when buds are hung up and quick dried like most people do. Fine for pot you want to get done quick and sell but for tasty nugs you want to dry them as slow and evenly as you can to get the best possible cure and smoothest smoke.

A decent cure box is something I'm looking into making myself for larger amounts.
