cure mess up question


Harvested bubblegum plant, the next 5 days were the hottest days here all year at I dried for 4 days because of the heat then I put them in jars. The plan was to open the jars 4 times a day for the first week then 2 a day for the next week..then 1 a day after....

Anyways first 4 days went smooth but last night I opened the jars before I went to bed just like the previous4 days but fell asleep to wake up to open jars. They are in the dark on the floor of my shower with a fan blowing all night.... I didn't see any white mold but am wondering what leaving jars open for a long time 7hours plus will do the nugs?

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
if they dont smell funky feet funky you are safe/ moldy moist is noticable. leave open jars, feel for dryness and return to curing routine.


Well-Known Member
Leaving it open means that evaporated moisture is not trapped in the system, so the risk of mold is reduced. You'd be more concerned with mold if you had forgotten to burp it. Most likely it just means they are more dry (check them, see what state they are in). If they are too dry you can deal with this by less burping, or addition of moisture (slice of citris fruit, tobacco pouch humidifier, or even water soaked pebbles), just watch like a hawk for mold. Adding moisture is more risky so if you go that route, be careful :)