Curing in plastic?


Well-Known Member
Im just curing some Diesel ryder in a plastic airtight container or tupperwear as is known in the states! I know everyone says glass jars but didnt have any to hand!

Is plastic ok for it? Its been in there a couple of days now curing nicely!

Any reason i should take it out and put it into jars?


Well-Known Member
Im just curing some Diesel ryder in a plastic airtight container or tupperwear as is known in the states! I know everyone says glass jars but didnt have any to hand!

Is plastic ok for it? Its been in there a couple of days now curing nicely!

Any reason i should take it out and put it into jars?
The prerequisite is air tightness not what the container is made of, glass does aid in the sweating process though due to its ability to hold heat.


Well-Known Member
according to the dirt bag (B. thc+r&d) the plastic will steal your trichs, he uses cardboard for drying, then the glass for curing. He has been doing this for five years, I tend too listen, especially since I tried his product. VV

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I used several Pizza boxes, stacked, with a fan blowing on them. One layer per box, rotate bottom to top & flip over daily. Worked for me.


Well-Known Member
I heard that it can tatse of plastic. Explain to me how, as they are made to store food in there, food dosnt tatse of plastic when stored for however long, would be pretty useless if it did. It dosnt smell and its not an absorbant, nothing will be absorbed into the plastic and visa versa.


Well-Known Member
well mabee my taste is more sensitive then cause i can tell. i thought that fresh food tasted better than stored food , geusse i`m just to picky. they just banned plastic babby bottle shere because of this


Well-Known Member
Of course fresh food is guna tatse better lol! I would take fresh everytime! This is not the point however. Food can be stored in many different things, tins, platics, hung dry ect, but it will taste better fresh! We are talkin about marijuana not food.

You cant tell me when u have food out of a plastic container u can tatse plastic? You must have uber hyper sensitive tatse buds, with the ability to single out plastic xD..kidding, but honestly i cant see the whole world using plastic to store food ect, if it gave off a taste/oder to food/weed.

Honestly i just dosnt make sense that my green would taste of plastic in the slightest. Ive already make my mind up really lol. Just wanted peoples opinions, sorry for the rant!



Well-Known Member
hey i got bionic taste buds. lol, just kidin. io`ve just read to much unsertanty about plastics leaching lately in bc. and the glass masson jars i by are only 2 bucks each. proper food safe ( subposibly safe) are way more money. like 3 to 5 bucks for something that would hold a half o.
i will do a comparison side by side next time one galss and one plastic.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yer it just couldnt find any at my local super market. Havnt really seen any over here in the uk but im sure there are about! Had a couple of empty jars but didnt want my green to smell of pickled onions :p

Ill get some for my next harvest in a few mounths and compare them aswell :)


Active Member
just for example... put some water in a plastic cup. let it sit at room temp over nite. and taste that water in the morning. it tastes of plastic. plastics do leach into anything they are around. some things are just more noticeable than others. yes your ganje will inhibit a plastic taste and smell. how noticeable is hard to say. scientists are actually doing lots of studys on how plastics are bad for humans. the lastest ive heard of is a study they did about foods stored in plastic containers. they found that plastics have a negative effect on males, stating that it creates or enhances estrogen creating molecules in males.


Well-Known Member
You said about tha glass of water sitting there! How about the millions of bottles of water! Why dnt they taste of plastic eh?


Well-Known Member
that shit tastes like crap to m. you couldn`t pay me to drink that store bought stuff. water in bc is better than that stuff out of my tap. i use it without even touching it to feed my plants, nice mountain water


Well-Known Member
You said about tha glass of water sitting there! How about the millions of bottles of water! Why dnt they taste of plastic eh?
Water that is sold in plastic bottles will start to taste like plastic if it isn't sold and drunk fast enough. Plastic leeches tastes and chemicals into whatever is stored in it. Heat makes the leeching occur faster (so if you leave a plastic water bottle in your hot car, it will start tasting like plastic faster).

Glass is a very inert substance. That is one reason scientific labs use glass beakers... glass does not leech any chemicals at all into substances that are stored in it, even when it is heated.

Plastic does leech. That is a fact. Some types of plastic leech faster then other types, and some substances will absorb the leeched chemicals faster then other substances when stored in the same plastic.

Also, some people have better taste buds then others. Whether or not you'll be able to notice the difference between glass cured and plastic cured no one can tell you. If your curious, I suggest you try curing a little bit of bud in both glass and plastic and see if you notice a difference. Given that experienced growers mostly tend to prefer glass, if I were you I would cure most of my bud in glass and try a little bit in plastic just as a test.