>>Curled Leaves


Active Member
So, i have a 5 (1000W) set up in a room with 45 plants. i am using Ocean forest in 5 gallon pots. week 3 in dirt on a 18/6 light cycle. they are just about ready to flip to 12/12. I using Cutting Edge nutes (all 6) I also use a little of the super thrive stuff , basically vitamin B i think. All at the correct dose. NO OVERDOING it.

My problem is that I have had about 8-10 plants and 3-4 of them heavily had curled leaves and leaves closing up, like a taco shell if you will. Also the leaves are twisting and the tips are bending down a bit and sometimes a tad bit of yellow and a few spots of brown/rust color in the middle-outer part of the leaf. i have also had aa few get yellow inside the middle of the leaf while the outer stays green, (like a reverse of iron, or magnesium def.) On the juvenile leaves or lets say leaves about 5-7days old. So, i did alot of research and thought that it maybe a variety of nutrient lockouts. I suspected Magnesium, Iron, molybdenum, boron and Zinc, and maybe even a few others. So I said this cant be right. i must be doing something else wrong. i dont over water. I water 4-5 days apart. I have been using CO2 for this run and the room has been cooler. like 70 degrees with the lights on and 77 near the lights. The soil has been satying moist for sometime. i think its not root rot, ( ihope). I did give each a dose of epson salt like 1 quart each 2 days ago. it did seem to help.

So my question is.....Does anyone think that there is another problem BESIDES a acidic soil?
Do you think its as simple as a Calcium & Magnesium deficiency?
Do you think it a tad bit low on the PH? (reading listed below)
Is there anything else i should look for.?
BECAUSE i just bought a ph meter, the cheap $10 one. And the readings are like 5.9-6.4 give or take. i thought for sure that i was to acidic. But that is pretty good i think.
This is my second run. I had great sucess with my first. 3 3/4lbs. with 23 plants and only 3 lights. i am very attentive to the nutes reccomendations and PH my water to about a 6.0 everytime. i also try not to over water and usually let the top 2inches dry out before watering.

SO anybody out there have some knowledge they want to share. please do



How high are the lights from the affected plants?
Is there a fan near the affected plants?
What is your room's relative humidity?
Is the CO2 near affected plants?
What is the room temp at night (lights off)? I live up north so without a heater my grow room can get down to 60 on cold nights.


Active Member
The lights are about 12" above all the affected plants. Half the room The larger half, have 3- 8" vented lights.(2 XXL's and a lil older hyrdo style deeper vented) the other side has 2 old 4" vented sunsystems with out glass, those plants are about "24 below. (the XXL 's are very cool, you can touch the glass and its still cool.) The lights go on at night and off in the morning 6pm-noon right now.(then 8-8pm when i flip) So the temp stays pretty normal. i just looked with the lights being off for 1hour and its 68* in there.
I have a 8" inlet fan on a speedster at about 45-50% power. I have a double oscillating fan on medium most of the time (in the middle of the room at 5' high0, except i put it on low when i introduce the CO2 shots, it goes to low for a bit.
The humidity when i water goes to about 60% max, and about 35% after a day or so of watering. thats high and low. average would probably be 45%
The CO2 is in a 50lb cannister. i manually burst for 30 seconds or so every 3-5 hours.
the room temp never drops to much, i would say it could hit 60 and the moistness of the dirt is a concern of mine. thats why i bought a meter. (i live near Ukiah)


When you manually apply the CO2, bursting from the cannister, do you ever point that burst directly at affected plants?

Do you foliage feed at all?

Temperature seems fine if it doesn't dip below that when the lights are off longer.


Active Member
The CO2 gets sprayed evenly and not directly at any plants. the affected plants are in various spots in the room.

I dont think it goes below 55* i can check again later. (it did this winter on the last run 40's, they still did ok)

I dont foliar feed. But i did a few times with the clonex when they were young, 3 weeks ago, abd 5 days ago when i noticed the problem, with epson salt.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I see leaves canoe or taco like that, the first suspect is Magnesium.

EDITED, actually, if i know my humidity and light are dialed in OK, I look to nutes for that. It may be a humidity, heat, or light issue. Is it only the top leaves?


So you stopped foliage feeding 5 days ago when you noticed the problem is what your saying, correct?

Sorry, might of misread that last sentence.


Active Member
I have been using 'Mag Amp' its cutting edges source for magnesium and sulfur

I applied 2tbsp per gallon ratio. like it said

Edited: foliar feed and 1 quart of epson salt mix per plant


Well-Known Member
Then your PH maybe too low. If that's not heat and if it isn't only a few top leaves, I would immediately suspect my $10 meter is shit and get a proper one or accurate test strips. Take a look at the graphic and notice that the plant can't utilize Mg at a ph below 6.5 in soil... Your soil is too acidic, I believe...

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I have been using 'Mag Amp' its cutting edges source for magnesium and sulfur

I applied 2tbsp per gallon ratio. like it said

Edited: foliar feed and 1 quart of epson salt mix per plant


Like Serapis said, it's prolly your ph.

I think also you should stop foliage feeding from here out on the affected plants. Just add nutes through the soil from here out after you ph your soil.
A little water and time and should be fine.


Active Member
I applied 2tbsp per gallon. I foliar fed and watered each plant with 1 quart of the solution. It did seem to help a little, It is on the juvenile leaves like 1 week old leaves, towards the top.


Well-Known Member
That, along with taco leaves, is a sure fire sign your PH is off and the plant is getting locked up. Have you flushed salts out at all this grow? If not, flush and then flush through some PH 8 water for a quick fix, but top dress your soil with some dolomite lime, about 1 tsp per gallon of soil.... This will raise the PH up gradually and correct the soil.

The problem lies in using hot soils like FF and MG. As the nitrogen depletes, the soil lacks buffers to prevent the PH from dropping. I use MG soils, and after the food runs out and i start feeding liquids, I top dress my soil with lime. This way, you won't have to use so much base to PH up.

I applied 2tbsp per gallon. I foliar fed and watered each plant with 1 quart of the solution. It did seem to help a little, It is on the juvenile leaves like 1 week old leaves, towards the top.


Active Member
Ok, I thought it had be something simple. I figured PH and lockout. I will get some dolemite lime. Any idea how much it is?
This site is fantastic, I learned alot form you guys. Thanks.