Curling leaves and light green discoloration


So I've got two plants that are about 12 weeks old and for the last three or four weeks one has been developing a light green discoloration on one side (left or right) of some leaves and the ones that are discolored seem to curl towards the discolored side.

Anybody know what this might be?

I'm growing in coco and pearlite, with nutes as recommended here:

Any recommendations are appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Possible broad mite damage. Google some broad mite cannabis images and see if it looks similar.


Well-Known Member
is that a clone? i had a clone do that for some reason one time...but it could be a boron does boron do anyway? i would flush it really good


Nope started from seed. Third attempt and thought I really had it this time! I read that broad mites can happen when you bring outside plants in. These I had set out for sun on a few occasions... I'm guessing that's where they happened. Since it's my first try (or third but first gettign ths far!) I'll ask "what do we mean by flush"? I've heard and seen it elsewhere, but don't know what we mean. Thanks!