Curly Weak Leaves (PICS)

prime mover

Active Member
Hey all!

I'm starting to have some curly leaves and I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to what it might be? They're pretty sporadic throughout all of my plants but it does concern me. I had a terrible crop last time due to ventilation issues. Now that I have that taken care of I want to make sure I have a good crop this time around. Am I giving them too many nutes?
And help is appreciated.



prime mover

Active Member
Heat shouldn't be an issue. I have 12 plants under a 1000K and it's about 12 to 16 inches from the canopy and on a light mover. I was thinking maybe a little high on one of the macro nutes. I'll just have to keep on eye on things I guess.


prime mover

Active Member
I'm actually about 2 feet away and on a mover so the heat shouldn't be an issue. It's only a couple of the leaves on about 4 of the plants so maybe I'm over reacting. I just don't want another bad crop. That's just too much work to do when things go bad, it's heart breaking.


Well-Known Member
2 feet sounds alot safer to me. If thats the case it looks like a macro poisoning. AND i just looked at your 4th pic again it looks like you might have bugs, flip the leaves on your plants and look for white larva looking things, they might be slightly brown or even darker twords black, Look specifically on leaves that have problems and ones with the silver shiny looking marks on them.


Well-Known Member
I re-read your post. Are you giving the plants a seperate dose of macro nutes? If so stop! Damn near any and all ferts have plenty of them in the mix already.

I think you are over fertilizing with nitrogen.

prime mover

Active Member
Sorry, my post was misleading. I'm not giving them separate doses of macro nutes. I'm using Fox Farm but maybe I'm just a little heavy on the nutes when I do feed? I use the Fox Farm feeding schedule and measure a little under what they recommend.


Well-Known Member
yeah try cutting back to about half and see how she reacts if she show deficiencies up it a lil if she looks good then you are starting to dial in your numbers.


Well-Known Member
i think 1 foot is the limit using a 400 w i think your are at 10,000-15,000 lumens....looks like nutrient burn to me ....... i had my plant top 6 inches from the 400 w and it caused the top stems to purple and leaves to look like crap, light burn , heat stress ... or too much for the 6 inch gap... i stay 12inches away....


Well-Known Member
my first thought was that they looked fried from 'too much' of something. Not sure though, someone else...