*~<>~*Custom Bongs and Pipes*~<>~*


Well-Known Member
The name sure attracts attention. I am sure many of you like me are wanting custom glass blown. I have been looking for a head shop that does lampworking or something but have been unsuccessful. I live in Saslatchewan, give me a break. My question to you is do you know of any head shops or just private artists that would be willing to do this for me. There is definately a market for this.

Please let me know if you have any contacts or even a website.


EDIT: I did find one, its called All About It Head Shop. They do custom glass. They operate out of Chicago, They only have a myspace page, and no E-mail adress. I sent them I myspace message, after I signed up. I let you know when I get a reply.

MySpace.com - www.myspace.com/14343179


Well-Known Member
im in the chicago area and all i buy is all about it glass. they are reputable, down to earth guys. i went to the shop on 4-20 one year and they were practically having a party. i walked in and like 7 people hollered "happy four-twenty!". ive been using this shop for 8 years at least. they wont let you down.


Well-Known Member
Do you know if I would be able to draw up a sketch of a bong and call them and like fax it or something like that?


Well-Known Member
be as specific as possible, pics of similar peices or coloring/designs of peices would help bunches too. give them a call, they really are nice folks.

i broke a pipe that belonged to my mother that i thought was a one-of-a-kind. she was pissed! i took them the cleaned, broke pieces and told them to try to make me one like it. when i came to pick it up i though it was the same bowl!