cutest dog on


Well-Known Member
bailey may be a mutt, but she is sure cute!! i had a dog like her once, best little dog. didn't eat my weed either.
haha! thank you. she doesnt like weed either. any ideas on the breed - we guess Australian Sheppard collie mix but we dont know and have always wondered?

grow space

Well-Known Member
Yo guys-this thread is pointless.Im so sick of this cute thing-just make shure all you dog owners out there, that your dogs turds doesent go away by themselves(fucking parks and shit...)So pick that shit up and put it in a dumpster-OK!!!


Well-Known Member
Yo guys-this thread is pointless.Im so sick of this cute thing-just make shure all you dog owners out there, that your dogs turds doesent go away by themselves(fucking parks and shit...)So pick that shit up and put it in a dumpster-OK!!!

Go back inside where u came from before logging on and smoke a damn blunt, then revert to what u were saying and edit it it will make much more sense then the hogwash you just spit out of your fingers.....


Well-Known Member
Yo guys-this thread is pointless.Im so sick of this cute thing-just make shure all you dog owners out there, that your dogs turds doesent go away by themselves(fucking parks and shit...)So pick that shit up and put it in a dumpster-OK!!!
OK thanks mom!