Cutting Canna Bioterra plus?


Well-Known Member
I know Bioterra plus is supposed to be all set and you're not supposed to mess with it, but I've been using Canna's Bioterra for all of my grows so far and I'm still trying to find the perfect medium. Plain it retains too much water and attracts fungus gnats, so this time around I'm going to try cutting it with Cocodan Croutons. I mix bat guano around in the bottom and worm castings in the middle...

The most success I've had so far is to cut it with perlite, vermiculite, organic soil, bat guano and worm I'm wondering if cutting it with a little Fox Farms Ocean Forest would do any good?

I am using the Canna line of nutes, pretty much on their schedule.


Active Member
I used the bioterra plus alone for the first few weeks of growth under lights, then added 1\4 strength Flora grow with waterings. The plants are looking amazing! Lush green with many shoots and 11 bladed leaves. They are 40 inches. They get "growth" strength at the moment but should really be at "extreme growth", never the less the are growing fast. Just make sure to water a bit before nutes, and after to spread it out and avoid problems.