Cuttings / Clones, Guide


Cuttings / clones

Once you've tried to grown a few times, it is wise to try to take cuttings of your / your best female plants. The advantage of using cuttings is that they are always the same parent plant. To take maximum advantage of your position better, since you do not have to spend time on male plants that can later be shed. You may want to grow is by far the mother plant for this purpose, ie a plant that is kept under constant light (18-24 hours), and that is only used to take cuttings from.

A cuttings / clone is simply a shot that cut the plant and put in a new medium. You can use any shots, but normally used some of the lowest shots on the plant. These shoots will probably not be any good anyway, since the lower shoots are having trouble getting enough light. Cuttings must be taken before the plant begins to flower. A good cuttings should have at least two sets of leaves. The bottom sheet sets are cut off at the branch, before cuttings dipped in rothormon. Cuttings can be Jiffi-pots, soil or other moist growing medium. PH value should be neutral. (PH = 7).

A good mix of seedlings is 50% perlite and 50% vermiculite. In this mixture the roots are developing rapidly. The mixture should always be moist but not wet driving.

You may want to plant in coco-pots or other types of pots that let roots grow through. It is thus very easy to plant the larger pots when the roots begin to show. It is also possible to plant plastic pots and ordinary soil, but make sure that no earth is nourishing or too hard. Fertilizer can be directly harmful to the seedlings as long as it has no real roots.

Medium to cuttings.

You can use all the shots from a good female plant, but it is best to use a shot of at least two sets of leaves. Young shoots beats faster roots. The shot shown in the picture below is perfect to use for a cuttings.

The yellow line shows how you should cut the cuttings.

Here is the finished cut seedlings.

Cuttings are dipped in rothormon before this is put in a new medium.

Finished cuttings placed in medium.

To be sure that the cuttings are doing, you may want to place it in a mini greenhouse that gives it a warm and humid environment. Alternatively, use a bucket or the like that you cover that with clear plastic. It is important not to let the seedlings dry out, which will cause it to die. Please refer to the cuttings several times to the day. Before the seedlings have developed real roots, it is optimal to spray the cuttings with a little water 2-3 times a day for the first 1-2 weeks. At this time, seedlings need very little light. Indirect sunlight, or fluorescent bulb holder galore. A HPS lamp is too powerful to young seedlings. When the cuttings have developed roots, you can process the same way as plants grown from seed.

Mini Greenhouse with cuttings.

It is also possible to place the cuttings directly in water, which is common with other types of plants. But if you use the mini greenhouse and rothormon it is much more likely that the seedlings survive.
