Cuttings in Rockwool


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I have managed to get my hands on 4 x White Widow Cuttings :~)

They arrived in 1" rockwool cubes & have been in a propagator for 1 week, they all appear healthy & have grown quite a bit since I got them.

There are some roots coming through the bottom of the rockwool cubes on 2 of them. I was told to leave them in the propagator for 1 week, then to place them in soil & under lights to start vegging.

I took the top off the propagator for a few minutes yesterday & left the tray under the lights (Only 3 x 20w Soft White light bulbs which are approx 7" above the cuttings) when I came back they had all wilted really badly, I have since placed the top back on and they are all looking healthy again?

Should I take it that they are not yet ready to place in soil even though there are roots coming through the rockwool?

Also, could someone confirm that you should place the rockwool cube straight into your pots of soil/grow medium when ready?




Well-Known Member
Hi Muffin,

sounds like you caught them just in time. cuttings need to get used to there new Home before removing the dome. dont worry about the roots.

Take the cover off for about an hour one day, then a couple the next until they can take it.

Then you can place them right into moist soil

Just be sure to water the soil and not the cube anymore. let it wick the water from the soil. People over water rockwool all the time.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cruzer,

When I take the lid off should I leave them directly under the lights
or just to one side of them?


Well-Known Member
I would just remove the lid and leave the plants where they are. Let them get used to there new home.
Cuttings do not need a lot of light. Use one light for the first day or two. Then all three.

The key it to keep an eye on them at first. This only takes a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cruzer,

Coming along nicely thanks, here's a few pics.

They are placed next to my lowlifes at the moment with the lights about
15" above them so no major growth but they seem happy enough.



Well-Known Member
You were right about just giving them time to adjust to their new home.

Took the lid off the propagator for about 5 mins every hour or so and within a few days they were ready to survive without it.


Well-Known Member

It looks like they will be fine. Thanks for the reply, and the pics.
They do seem happy enough in the pics but you should be aware of something. If a plant does not get enough light it will stretch and then you wont get as many buds in the end.

I have had that happen. What i try to do to prevent that from happening is to keep the tops of the plants even with the light. prop up the short ones on other containers that are upside down or something.

You know, If you want, you can take the lower shoots and clone again.

What I have found is the first two branches on the bottom do not produce much at all when you flower. The whole time your plant is growing they take nutrients from the upper buds. So once young plants are established ( like 8 to 10 inches tall with four sets of shoots ) I remove them and clone them for the next batch or just toss them. The upper buds that are close to the light produce more and make it more than worth it.

Of course its totally up to you but I just thought I would let you know.