Daisy Cloner not working

I've been successfully cloning using my daisy cloner for 6 months now. Then I let my plants revert to vegetative growth from flowering and tried to clone that vegetative growth I got no results...nothing and I left both sets in the cloner for at least 2 weeks. Usually I get primordia within 3 days but after one month and two sets of clones I got nothing. The plants are 3 months old now.

1) What can I do or use to force cloning? I was using Clonex but this product no longer works on my confused plants.
2) Will my confused plants ever clone successfully again?
3) Will leeching the substrate of all growth nutrients before cloning make much of a difference in my cloning attempts?

If anyone can answer these questions I would really appreciate it.:wall:


Active Member
My tomato clones are in 24 hour old city water no nutrients. taller suckers work best for me. Dark container. Using only indeterminate plants they are slow to root if cutting is not a true sucker. About to start top pruning as tomatoes 6 feet high looks like a problem, but will try rooting tops. Are your cuttings from |/__ < area? Each variety is different. 6 months of success: what has changed? Accumulation of chemicals? I am trying to force Rootex Early Girls slow going.


Active Member
Hormones and nutrients play a roll. It may be that the plant is different in those ways. Try giving water only for a week or two before you cut, time depending on growing conditions of course. You want healthy plants for healthy cuts.


Active Member
Has the ambient temperature gone up? Daisy cloners run hot, the internal motor heats the water. I've found they run *just* cool enough to clone in up to about 85F ambient, after that the internal temp is just too high.


Well-Known Member
THe issue with the daisy cloners is the neoprenes are not recessed so they squeez your cuttings and rot them at the stem. What I do is squeeze the neoprene with one hand and drill it with the other. This will take the tension off your starts and give you better success. Also try using a cloning solution instead of a gel or both.

Thanks Guys...it all helped. I'll try cloning again in a month. The plant will have more growth hormones by then.
I'll leech the nutrients out of the mothers and hopefully I will have primordia again. Took me by surprise though you know?
Well.. I tried three sets of clones and the mothers are 4 months old now. I've used aqua shield and power clone and I am getting some primordia. The bushings on my pump motor were worn down too.
Regenerating has confused the plant and I will never do it again. It has made it slow and almost impossible to use for cloning...my bad.
My new seedlings are doing very well and I hope to sex them in 6 more weeks. :)