

Well-Known Member
Man thats terrible, I hope people who buy from those places find out about this so they know to watch their back.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin' amatures, take a life over half a z, I'm sure if they would just flash a piece he would have just given it to them, hopefully they get caught and end up somebodys bitch...


New Member
When in public, you should always keep your good eye open. Just a little side note on this: I was on vacation in Utah doing 80 mph on hwy 98 when I came over a hill and this asshole Utah farmer had stopped his car in the middle of the road to look at a wild fire. He could have pulled over anywhere, but no, right in the middle of the road. being of the attentive persuasion I spotted his sedentary stance and brought my 6,000 pound vehicle to a safe stop, a lack of attention could have caused a fiery crash and the deaths of at least 7 people. The asshole sat there while I with horn blaring was about to get out and yank his ass out, but my wife talked me out of it saying in her angelic way, let it be. Hey, I'm always packing on cross country trips, there are a lot of idiots. I'd of given him the weed then got my piece and yelled Hey asshole and when he turned, Bang Bang Bang. Two in the chest, one in the head, just like the training I got in Carry class. Leave no perp alive to sue your ass.