Dank Diaries

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
good luck man, if i knew how to ship clones id send u one or two of the purple pheno. but i really do think i like the green pheno more so far, absolutely starting to get covered with frost, on the fan leaves too. My sensi star and "trainwreck" are doing really good too, The sensi star has the weirdest smell, almost smells like rotten fruit/ shit. Really excited for her too :D


Well-Known Member
good luck man, if i knew how to ship clones id send u one or two of the purple pheno. but i really do think i like the green pheno more so far, absolutely starting to get covered with frost, on the fan leaves too. My sensi star and "trainwreck" are doing really good too, The sensi star has the weirdest smell, almost smells like rotten fruit/ shit. Really excited for her too :D
yeaa that would be awesome!!! people do send clones... but i dont know how they do it.. =/ abd yeaa the green pheno is more potent.. well thats what i was told. i have nothign to compare mine too.. but it was pretty potent. =) my sensi star clone is doing great as well.. the frostiest plant outta the sesnit star full moon adn blueberry. ughh im pissed i dont have a camera right now tho.. =/ i wanna show u the blueberry.. its fuckin wierd looking!! i have it tied across the room.. adn theres about 10-15 branches all growing 2wards teh light.... its almost like an upside down... stretched out U ... lol. with a bunch of branches comin out. ill get a camera soon!


Well-Known Member
For shipping clones you could try a VHS tape hollowed out in the middle or a paper towel roll and express ship them. Let me know in a PM if you want more details on how to do it.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Yeah my clones dont look like they're going to pull through :\ but the plants are looking pretty good going to take some pictures tmrw probably.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my clones dont look like they're going to pull through :\ but the plants are looking pretty good going to take some pictures tmrw probably.
aiight awsesome man.. i wanna see those purple calaxes!!! ahhhh im so jealous!!!! lol.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
lol think im going to take some pics now.. And the green pheno is by FAR my more favorite plant officially :p which btw isnt really green, Its really frosty and the pistils are wayy long, And I noticed pink spots forming on the bud a day ago and a few pink pistils and stinks good so woohoo!:D ty for those beans again man. If your ever in the area hit me up to blaze on some of it :p As for the pink panther its looking good doesnt really smell much at all and not as frosty as the other but has rock hard nugs and ofcourrse its pink. Although it hasnt really came out as much as i was hoping it would. Maybe give it some Nitrogen? heard that brings out a plants color. Idk gonna take some pictutes with lights off now

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Hey here they are the trainwreck is the one on the bucket and sensi star is the one in the back left. there not great pictures just took some pictures real quick plus i need a new camera 072.jpg074.jpg080.jpg079.jpg076.jpg085.jpg071.jpg082.jpg084.jpg068.jpg081.jpg069.jpg075.jpg083.jpg066.jpg073.jpg077.jpg067.jpg070.jpg078.jpg


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. sub'd and +rep. that floja sounds pretty interesting.

edit- it wont let me give ya rep again...i'll get ya later.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Its cool man thanks for the compliments. Good news one out of the 3 clones has rooted the others died but atleast I got one


Well-Known Member
Whats up bro. How are you cloning? Rockwool,perlite coco? Me and rockwool never got along. I have never lost a cutting in coco. I used to get the peat pellet pots and fill with coco make a little hole with a nail and in went the clones in the humidity dome under a haet pad. Spray clones with water everyday. Its hard to overwater in coco and hold water better. So much easier imo. Also the floja purple is no weak smoke at all but green is a little stronger. Not much but it does have the edge. The purple was better for smoking in the morning and going through the day but the green was a night smoke for sure. The floja is not the strongest bud for sure but will be dank by alot of standards.

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Whats up bro. How are you cloning? Rockwool,perlite coco? Me and rockwool never got along. I have never lost a cutting in coco. I used to get the peat pellet pots and fill with coco make a little hole with a nail and in went the clones in the humidity dome under a haet pad. Spray clones with water everyday. Its hard to overwater in coco and hold water better. So much easier imo. Also the floja purple is no weak smoke at all but green is a little stronger. Not much but it does have the edge. The purple was better for smoking in the morning and going through the day but the green was a night smoke for sure. The floja is not the strongest bud for sure but will be dank by alot of standards.
Yeah this was my very first cloning attempt in about 4 years or so of growing. Have always been a seed guy, But I'm happy one of them rooted. I just put them in those pete moss pellets and mist them daily one other one rooted but looked dead to me "all leaves where browning only the very newest growth was green. And yeah I'm happy with the plants I got from the seeds so far :] about 4 weeks or so left and we'll see how they turn out

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
not sense the last page nah man, I've been lazy with the pics lately might take some today tho :p but like i said last update the color really hasnt come out as much as i thought it would. I mean its pink/purple but not like wayyy purple


Well-Known Member
not sense the last page nah man, I've been lazy with the pics lately might take some today tho :p but like i said last update the color really hasnt come out as much as i thought it would. I mean its pink/purple but not like wayyy purple
cool cool. cant w8 2 see them man check out my journal. just posted up a bunch of pics! harvested my sharksbreath 2day. adn put up some pics of the sensi star and full moon.. the sensi star is doing amazing again. LOVE this plant. its deff my fav. so far

Dank Budz

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone my bad ive been neglecting my thread for awhile everythings going fine the ladies are looking nice. I'm going to take pictures today in a little for you all they got about 3 weeks left atleast still :c


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone my bad ive been neglecting my thread for awhile everythings going fine the ladies are looking nice. I'm going to take pictures today in a little for you all they got about 3 weeks left atleast still :c
yeaaa i was wonderin wtf happened to ya man!! lol. i got 3 more floja in the ground now... hopin for a purple male sooo i can do sum breeding. =) ill be lookin for the pics man.. i wanna see how they turn out