Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
LOOKS LIKE they missed late night tunes again! Damn :( it sure isn't like the "good old days" when everyone was hanging out up in here & having a damn good time, not to mention laughing till you almost piss your pants! Oh wait, what was it called (depends)!? haha :) I MISS that shit man!!! B.A.D.
They al

They all passed out and we're the last ones standing!! :lol: :lol: they had their jags already I guess...now its our turn lmfao!!!


Well-Known Member
I LOVE YOUR sig video babe!! its fucking awesome!!! ha ha just now getting here & actuality watching it.. lol it fits better then the original video they posted........ lol Im telling ya, we are onto to something!!!
Thanks for the drink :)

Busy bee u r..what could have possibly put u so far behind..? :)
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