DARK Tips, BROWN Spots, DEAD Leaves, WEAK Stems. SHITLOAD of Pics!!!


Not sure whats going on. This is my mother plant. 2 months into veg. I want to take clones but want her healthy first. I leave lights on 24hrs. I was using a sunblaze t5 but 5 days ago I switched to an air cooled MH. Before I switched, the room only had air coming in from a central air vent, but now I have my exhuast vortex fan on at all times. Could these problems be from no exhaust? It's been 5 days and still look bad. I was having fungus gnat problems but Im pretty sure I defeated them last week for good. I always inspect for other insects but never find any. Im pretty sure I had root rot. All the roots turned light brown and then new white roots started to grow in. I pulled the brown roots off, just a little tug and they all fell off. The pictures speak for themselves. Lower leaves are dying, turning brown. Some of the leaves have straight lines cut in the middle of the blade. One of the dead leaves had white spots on it, maybe powdery mildew but I havent seen any white spots anywhere else. There seems to be red specks on the dead brown tips. When I look with my microscope, it looks like theyre just big trichomes. Im growing in a power grower eco with the drip ring turned off. I have an air stone in the res on at all times. Im using Dutch Master Gold Grow A & B and just recently started adding Dutch Master Silica and Zone. I was keeping PPM around 850 cause I thought I was getting nute burn, but the tips are a dark brown, not yellow, so yesterday I raised to 1150. I dont have a PH meter but I use the PH drops, its still kinda hard to tell where my PH is but I try to make it around 5.5. I also have a mosquito dunk in the res at all times(inside of a nylon). Please help. Any advice? Ideas?



Well-Known Member
It looks like it's lacking nutrients. I use soil, so i'm not sure what your PPM should be, but it should be higher (maybe 1400?). If your plants were burning, all the new growth would be burnt, but it's the exact opposite for you. Overall your plant looks relatively healthy. Also, try getting your pH closer to 5.8 . I know it's hard with that water test getting it on the nose, but it can make all the difference.


you really need to figure out the nutrient specs for the the type of soil (medium) you are currently using...ther is a VAST difference from using Sunshine Number 4 soil which is really low in nutrients burning affects to Foxfarm Ocean Forest which is so loaded with nutrients that it will burn if not cut...


Well-Known Member
Me personally don't like 24hr light your not giving it time to grow roots at night and develop proper. Looks like a cal-mag def.




Ive slowly been raising the PPM its up to 1480 right now. It still doesnt look any better though. And some new growth is starting to show the cut marks and holes. Any ideas??


Well-Known Member
get a TDS meter and check for magnesium defeciency
We have a new leader in the funny post catagory! LMAO Sounds like you had many issues early on. It may be wise to pick some healthy branches on the plant to clone and begin fresh. At the very least I would get some Hygrozym to clean those roots up.